*Boring Basics*Name?:Leslie Age?:19 Male/Female?:female City + State?:swanton ohio Birthday?:4 20 84 Height?:5'4 Eye color?:blue Hair color?:redish... Parent's names + ages?:Mark 48 and Sandy 46 Sibling's names + ages?:tiffany 21 and amanda 13 Pets?:Ohhh dear. Momma, Nestle, Quaker, Reilly, Chaz, Dirrty, Ace, Fishy, Bruce *School*Official school name?:umm..none Mascot?: Class rank?: GPA?:2.5 Classes taking currently?:ABLE GED Year in school?: Favorite teacher?:Bolone Least favorite teacher?:Bunk Uniforms at your school?:No Names of principals + assistant principals?: *Love Life*Have a crush?:Nah Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:Nope Really actually like your boyfriend/girlfriend?:NA All you've "done" sexually?:Does it matter Virgin or not?:Virgin In favor of PDA?:Doesnt matter *More About You*Glasses/contacts?:Neither Braces/retainer?:Neither Wear makeup?:Nope Like to shop?:No Last movie seen in theatres and with who?:50 First Dates...with Dan Last movie not seen in theatres and with who?:Umm the Ring...with my sister TV shows watched regularly?:ER Color of room?:Brown...wood On walls of room?:Pictures Share a room?:With my sister amanda Ever slept on bunk beds?:yep a long time ago Think playplaces at McDonald's are disgusting?:Nope..fun Collect anything?:Shot glasses How often do you wash your bed sheets?:Once a week *Favorites*Store?:Walmart...Meijer Food?:Fruit Color?:Red..Blue Disney character?:Stitch Jelly bean flavor?:None.. *Word Association*snore:Squiggy gurgle:toothbrush blink:eyes pen:paper orange:fruit cougar:southview bed:sleep boy:Alan girl:Me labeling:Labels television:ER band:Linkin Park boy band:Bad date:2-25-2004 time:10:29 clock:Red glass:broken Mike-N-Ikes:ew shoe:adidas sleep:bed grandma:Carl grandpa:Moose Eminem:Rap flower:dead red:blood sweater:nope husband:wife Barbie:fake ribbon:girly love:hurts radio:music phone:4192602557 book:bible desk:wood marker:permanet paper:pen cat:Reilly ornament:Christmas present:to me Thanksgiving:turkey workout:weights notecard:notes closet:clothes board game:The Simpsons game George Bush:GERRR Bill Clinton:I dont know cassette tape:Old fashion magazine:Seventeen *State Capitals--How many can you name from memory?--no cheating!*Alabama:Montgomery Alaska:Juneo Arizona:Phoenix Arkansas:Little Rock California:Sacramento Colorado:Denver Connecticut: Delaware:Dover Florida:Tallagassee Georgia:Atlanta Hawaii:Honolulu Idaho:Boise Illinois:Springfield Indiana:Indianapolis Iowa:Des Moines Kansas:Topeka Kentucky:Frankfort Louisana:Baton Rouge Maine: Maryland:Annapolis Massachusetts:Boston Michigan:Lansing Minnesota: Mississippi:Jackson Missouri:Jefferson City Montana: Nebraska:Lincoln Nevada:Carson City New Hampshire:Concord New Jersey: New Mexico:Santa Fe New York:Albony North Carolina:Raleigh North Dakota:Bismarck Ohio:Columbus Oklahoma:Oklahoma City Oregon:Salem Pennsylvania:Harrisberg Rhode Island:Providence South Carolina: South Dakota: Tennessee:Nashville Texas:Austin Utah:Salt Lake City Vermont:Montpelier Virginia:Richmond Washington:Olympia West Virginia:Charleston Wisconsin:Madison Wyoming:Cheyenne..I think
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