Jan 25, 2006 21:00
Here I sit. On my bed, hammering away at my wife Foxfire74's computer (which we haven't moved back into the computer room yet). With the awesome gray furriness of Flat Cat at my feet, and my eight-day-old daughter zonked out beside me, sitting up on her Boppy, asleep and angelic. (She might as well do it now, she sure as hell hasn't been doing it at four o'clock in the morning.)
When I first started this Livejournal, I figured I'd use it sort of as my own personal little psychological safety valve. I does loves my rants, as my wife knows from sad experience, and I do occasionally have to sit back and spew about things. All kinds of things. And I like to write. I'm not good enough to make it professionally--I don't think, anyway--but I do like it, and believe me, I wish I could do it for a living, because it'd beat, y'know, working.
But a funny thing happened after last February. It's called real life. New job, money problems, getting settled in a new-old-again town...and then, come May, finding out that we had Small Person on the way. Other hobbies--my flight-simming, mainly. Then I got hooked on World of Warcraft. Then I found out I was going to be a father. And through all of that, the LJ got shoved to the back of the closet, covered with an old blanket, dusty and forgotten.
Updating Foxfire74's LJ during the birth of our child was the first time I'd hit livejournal.com in months. It was the opportunity for me to remember that, oh yeah, Crotchety Before My Time is still here and I hadn't touched it in nigh on a year.
So. We'll give this another go-around, and maybe, eventually, more than two people will read it. It'll be random spew about all sorts of things. Stuff that may or may not interest anybody else, but interests me. Politics (of the conservative variety--I'm slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun on most things). Aviation in general and computer flight simulation in particular--I am, sadly, only a virtual pilot. World of Warcraft, a game that's proof that an MMORPG can sell five million copies...and most of them are in the login queue ahead of me on any given night. My mental masturbation on various topics. Pretty much anything and everything that I feel like popping off about.
Really, it's like every other blog out there. It's epeenmanship. Or, in the case of females, maybe eboobsmanship. Somebody feels like they've got Something To Say That Other People Need To Read, so they create a blog, and for one shining moment, they're Stephen King, Edward R. Murrow, and Ann Coulter all wrapped up into one. And then, like 99.9999% of the other blogs out there, nobody reads it, and it fades into obscurity.
Will this one beat the odds and make me famous? Nah. It's just me whipping it out in front of the Intardweb in the vain hope that somebody'll say, "Oooh, look, his epeen is so big he can type every line of The Stand hands-free!" Probably won't happen, but it'll be interesting to try.