Jul 10, 2007 00:11
Alright, in mere hours I'm going to be boarding a plane to fly to New York City, meeting up with Andrea, and then flying to London. From there, we'll travel to Edinburgh and Paris. We'll see the sights, have the time our of lives, and generally wreak havoc on poor, unsuspecting British people.
Oh, and in the meantime, a little film called The Order of the Phoenix comes out, which we'll see in an IMAX theater.
And I guess we should mention that a children's book of hardly any consequence to the literary world and nearly no impact on my life whatsoever will be coming out on the 21st of July.
Did you catch my sarcasm there?
In order to prepare myself for the release of Deathly Hallows, I have prepared my favorite things ever for the occasion. Top 5 lists! (Thank you, Nick Hornby, for your brilliance, and John Cusack, for bringing it home). Because the ending of Harry Potter's story will be so bittersweet, there are two lists: One for the reasons why I want to read Deathly Hallows right now, and one for the reasons why I don't want to read this book at all. Here we go.
Top 5 Reasons to Read Deathly Hallows:
5. Because Voldy's going to bite it, and it's going to be awesome to watch.
4. Ron and Hermione will FINALLY get together.
3. Maybe we'll find out why Dumbledore had James' cloak all those years?
2. And we might get a few other pesky questions answered too. Heh.
1. We'll finally be able to stick our tongues out at those who doubted Snape and say "I told you so" in an annoyingly smug voice.
Top 5 Reasons Why I Kinda Sorta Don't Want Deathly Hallows to Come Out Yet:
5. Because I'm going to be crying my bloody eyes out all over London, looking like I'm barking mad.
4. Because so many questions will go unanswered.
3. Because so many more questions will arise.
2. Because I know Harry and Draco won't truly end up together, and gosh darn it, those boys need each other! (You know I had to throw that in there)
1. Because I'm just not ready to say goodbye yet. And actually, Stephen King said it better when he said: "No ending can be right, because it shouldn't be over at all. The magic is not supposed to go away."
With those in mind, I head off to England, to immerse myself in Harry's world both in real life and fantasy. When I see you all again, we'll all know the fate of The Boy Who Lived. Which is thrilling and so very sad at the same time.
trip planning,
deathly hallows,
harry potter