Jul 19, 2004 13:20
yesterday went as follows:
-woke up at 11:30
-did nothing all day
-took a nap at 5pm untill 9pm
-went to get slurpees w/ angela and jinny
-on the way home a dikish boy/girl of some sort with a lip/chin ring thing threw a firecracker at my car... then when they pulled into the driveway of their not so good housing establishment i asked "where are you going?", he/she said "i live here.", i then followed that by "that sucks, i feel bad for you".
-then we went to angelas where they took lj quizzes and i learned some information that i didnt exactly need to know about angela and jinnys sex life.
-hten i came home drank some milk and went to bed b/c of work.
-The End-