Bah. I left work at 9:30 today having spent the entire day faffing around with crazy geometry problems that should have been simple. I'd like to think that it wouldn't have been such an issue had I not been dragged into meetings or discussions with designers or helping people fix random bits of code every time I really got into it.
Today's Project365 is a cool building, I think it's a school, that is on the way to the supermarket.
Also, we had an awesome idea at work for "Shuffle Day/Week/Month" where everyone swaps iPods/mp3 players/portable hard disks and listens to other people's music collection on random for a day. The idea had me planning evils though, I've already found a song that sounds like it has a chainsaw solo in the middle. >:D
I have finally gotten around to putting my music collection on a drive and taking it into work. Far more convenient that faffing around changing CDs every few seconds although it lead to me listening loudly to metal covers of Britney Spears songs among other obnoxious things. >_>