Mar 22, 2005 17:04
hey! i havent updated in forever...i'm just kinda bored with it! haha but here are a few bullets on whats up!
- spring break rocked! i got to go snowboarding with my best friends, who in many cases are my family! despite certain injuries that i am sure you have heard of, or you can ask, it was definately the best spring break of my life!!
- my neck hurts like woa. and my free scedule isn't so free anymore. being accident prone such as i am SUCKS! but its all good.
-i think i know why God made me so accident prone, it really has bothered me alot lately why i am the way i am, which may sound ridiculous, but if you were me, you'd understand. that'll probably be a whole other entry though!
- i love my friends, every single one of them. sometimes i forget about how much they really do care about me, even if it doesnt always seem like it. especially one of them. it just takes a bit of a faceplant (HA) to notice it sometimes, and it shouldnt. i need to work on that!
- i have the best boyfriend on the planet, hands down. brad- you're my everything!! it really is almost kinda sad that i miss him the minute he leaves me every night or whatever, but its even more sad how much i like it. i can't get him off my mind at all during the day, but you know what! i dont want to! hehe
-calculus has been kicking my butt lately, but this next test is gonna get it. i'm not one to give up and let something beat me. calculus should be no exception. i'm not even kidding, just ask brad.
-it has been decided that i will have a job this summer, oh boy! haha better start looking sometime. but it just seems like with my scedule, especially now with the chiropractor stuff, there never is a good time to go. goodness.
- i want to graduate. now. hehe
-i turn 18 in 6 days!!! YIPEE!!! hehe
ok well thats enough for now!!have a great easter!! i'll talk to you when i'm 18!! hehe hopefully i'll be a little more mature, haha right brad?!?!