i can't remember the last time i updated.
today will be my first full day at work since last wednesday. i've had the dreaded lurgeee. with accompanying coldsores x 3. yayness. am feeling vaguely human today but not particularly ace still. am hoping liberal application of movies and alcohol on the weeekend will ace the recovery times.
still no results on my exam which was more than 3 weeks ago. poor. very poor. ah well.
saw mr icon kitson on saturday night with miss
loupoo and mr cornish. as always he was fantastic. this show was not all out guffaws as prevoius comedic outings for him have been, but felt like it combined a bit of the whimsy evidences in last year's stories for the wobbly hearted also. a fine combination.
also saw geoffrey rush at kitteh kat kitsons. there was debate then as to whether he was the most famous person i've seen... in person or whether that title was still held by bjorn from abba. determined bjorn got in there for longevity alone. geoffrey has big hair.
my brain has died already. damn.