ski season? wha??

Dec 09, 2005 22:47

YES. it is time. Decebmer 10th marks the very first opening day of SKI SEASON in the tri-state area.
AND i will be working at Mtn. Creek again this year*...
AND i have to be there at 8am dressed n' ready to go. The first day is always the best day.

*but only on a part time sorta basis. which kind of blows because full timers get paid when they're on-site, whether they teach or not... PART TIMERS ONLY get paid WHILE teaching. emaning, I can be there for 8 hrs and only teach 3... and I'll only get paid for 3. FULL timers would get paid teaching pay for 3 hrs, and then another rate for the other 5 hours that they DIDN'T TEACH and probably just spent either skiing or eating.

BUT whatever, I'm happy cuz I get to ski:-D
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