Feb 05, 2011 17:24
Hello everyone.
if anyone still reads this, there have been no updates from like anyone in forever! I want to know what is going on in your lives people! :)
I am a moron...the other side of the road!
I thought my OSAP appt was last Thursday but it turns out it was this week, so fine whatever except this time I forgot my SIN card, greaaat.
Well they won't give you your OSAP without it, but if I got it scanned and emailed to me then fine, K, so I had to make an appt for Friday (being Yesterday) I would like to point out I don't have school on Fridays. So in theory, I would have to go home at 9 at night (when my class is over), get home at 11:30, to go back to school in the morning for like a 10 min appt. Luckily, Moookie was at my school with me(getting in trouble by ambulence drivers..I guess I should explain. My campus has a street closed off and we were walking along and eventually the street becomes open again and the light is red so I stopped. Moookie went to keep going when she too realized that the light was red so she stopped. However, an ambulence driver was waiting for his light to turn green and as he drove by he shook his finger at her. For the reminder of the day I would look at her, shake my finger at her and say no, no, no, no ,no.) when this went down and offered to let me stay with her Thursday night, come with me to my appt and then we would go home (seeing as she was going home this weekend anyways.)
However, Cassanova was comming to see Moookie and spending Thursday night in her dorm room. Moookie has been torn up about him coming since she found out. i kept telling her to not let anything happen because when he leaves its going to hurt. Cassanova is not a bad guy he just ins't in the province. So anyways, she figured having me their would keep anything from happening and keep the happy thought "we are just friends" inside her head. And it did. So I finally got to meet Cassanova, who is actually really funny and I had a really good time Thursday night. At one point, we were eating a pineapple, with a spoon? Well Moookie and him were and I was laughing at them. Then Moookie offered me some and Cassanova tried to steal it so I sniped it before he could, then that continued for like 10 mins. We were like four year olds. So then Moookie didn't want to be the scooper anymore and neither did Cassanova or I but I finally gave in but I kept leaving him out. It was fun times. It was good times. He thought the Harry Potter scene was just as funny as we did and thought our pictures were even better. I ended up sleeping on the floor while they took the bed, her floor is legit like the most comfortable floor ever. I am just saying.
And although Moookie was very upset to say goodbye to Cassanova, me being their did help. Well so she says.
So I go to my appointment in the morning no problems except I have to go to the post office to get it sent. So we walk over there and the women was like I need your SIN card, and I only had the scanned/printed copy and she was arguing with me that she couldn't use that. She was like do you have an income tax statement (yeah, I just carry those around with me at all times, and I get tons of income that is why I need OSAP!) so anyways, she finally says "i will accept it this time, but not next time." K well I never plan on seeing you again so ok!
Anyways, by the time that was over with we had 10 mins to make our bus so we took the subway, and still missed it by like a minute. Stupid post office chick. Anyways so we were sitting there because we now need to wait like an hour for the next bus, and there is this cute guy standing behind me but he looks so familiar! I was like maybe he is from like a tv show or something so I ask Moookie and she was like maybe he is on Degrassi or something and then asks him! He isn't by the way. He ended up talking to us until his bus got there, so like 10 mins? He asked us what school we were in and when Moookie told him York, he said oh the Glendon campus? No one knows of that campus. Something many of you don't know about Moookie is she is ridiculously sarcastic. So when the guy told us he went to George Brown for construction and immediatly after Moookie says "oh cool, what are you going for?" and both me and him ended up saying Construction, she said "Oh did you already say that?" I couldn't help but turn around and say "no I just happened to know that." He ended up asking us for our names so he could add us on facebook, but we are still waiting :(
Yesterday, Moookie and I decided to have another sleepover at her house. It was funny, we played wii. :) amd today we went with her parents to St. Jacob's market. I got Salt and Vinagar peanuts.
Oh at some point in the weekend, we were talking about boys and I said "If I keep going backwards, I am never going to move forward."
I thought it was a really good quote so I thought I would share :)
I think that was pretty much our awesome weekend together. Moookie, I love you.
Thank you so much for an awesome weekend.
"A good friend is cheaper than therapy". - Author Unknown
hanging out