Jun 16, 2011 20:54
It continues...
Today started out really good actually. The little boy slept till about 11:30 so it was just me and the little girl and she was a freaking angel. Not sure what happened yesterday while I wasn't there but needless to say I liked it. However, Teddy (the new hamster) bit her. I don't think she was doing anything bad to it (I can't believe I just said that) because of where the bit is (tip of her finger) she would have had to be holding the hamster from the bottom. Also the hamster tried to bit me before that so I wasn't suprised when she came crying to me that it bit her. I was suprised by the amount of blood that was litteraly GUSHING! I thought she might have needed stitches because there was so much blood and I couldn't see where it was all comming from to access whether it was big or deep. It wasn't either. So I had to deal with that but that was the only issue in the morning.
At the little girl's school, the fathers were allowed to come to the kindergarten class for an hour to celebrate father's day today. So I made plans with one of the girls I coach to go over to her house at 3 for dinner. The father knew about this plan and said it wouldn't be an issue. He then messaged me and asked if I could watch the kids till four because he wanted to go the doctors and that he would drive me over for my dinner plans afterwards. Fine, whatever.
Except, is this the first time he has gone to his doctor? We have the same doctor, I have only been there once and I know to expect not to get in until atleast an hour, probably two, after your appointment time. So of course, at 4 he messaged me saying "I haven't gone in yet. Can you take a cab, I will pay for it." So he made plans that he would leave, pick up the older sister, drop her off at home, I would take a cab while he went back to the doctor's.
So I replied, well I can't call the cab until the older sister is here because well, if the cab shows up first, I can't leave. Anyways, this just really pissed me off and then of course, the little girl decided to bring on the additude when I was getting the little boy to put away his bike.
Perfect timing.
So I ended up taking a cab and getting to my plans after 4:30, which is when they had planned on having dinner.
Seriously, he had all of yesterday off. He couldn't have decided to go to the doctor's then? And if I didn't have plans, I wouldn't have cared but he knew I had plans so basically he just decided that the whole world revolves around him and what is convient for him.
No one else matters.
Oh and did I mention, I still have not been paid. I am going to tell him he needs to pay me tommorow, or I am not coming on Monday.
Also I am asking for a raise. I am not even getting minimum wage. Legit. And I am watching two little kids and they are not easy. Yes, I bring one to school so I have 3 hours without her but that is beside the point. I should atleast be getting 10$ an hour.
That is my new terms, take it or find someone else.
fair? or no?
Oh and to top it all off.
My stalker was waiting for me on the way to drop of the little girl at school. I don't remember if I had mentioned that I have a stalker but I do. Seriously. One day he saw me walking with the kids, now he waits around that time just so he can walk with me. Which really bugs me because it looks bad on my part as a employee. And then there is the fact he creeps me out! I have told him many times that I don't like him, I ignore his texts, come up with excuses not to hang out with him and so instead of leaving me alone, he stalks me.
awesome >.>
So yeah that was my day. Hope yours was better!
"'Cause you had a bad day, your taking one down. You sing a sad song just to turn it around"- 'Bad Day' Daniel Powter