(no subject)

Sep 22, 2004 21:11

Work didnt need me.. Pam lied to me but i stayed anyways. just next time i get a call im not helpin her out. I finally got the parking situation down at school. I can now leave my house an hour before class. Which is way better than the 2 hours it took before. Today i got a perfect spot in the middle of everything within 5min. Where? thats top secret, not too many people know about these spots.
This next english project is gonna be interesting. not really hard, i just dont know what i wanna write about. eh ill figure it out sometime. And my math class is such bullshit. i dont even know if i should consider that a class or a homework hall. They lady takes like an hour, no joke, going over the previous nights hw. Sad thing is the book explains how to do everything and all the answers are in the back. She told us today that logic was the hardest thing we will be covering, and i view logic as a bunch of common sense!
I think its funny how sometimes i can do so much for somebody, fitting them in my schedual even if i got plans and shit. And then they cant help me out at all. It just makes me sad:-(.. eh whatever!
Big ass test study time... not! more like an attempt.
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