Jul 20, 2004 16:47
Bg on rainy days is awesome! Me and tc went... No lines, hardly any people. I mean rain hitting u at 60mph+ kinda feels like taking needles and throwing them at ur face! but that just adds to the fun. And i mean tc..come on thats already fun there. That kid makes me wonder sometimes. We were so soaked. It was like we rode congo 5times.. But it was from damn montu! Goodtimes
I get to see alf finally.. itll only be like 15 min but hey better than nothing right? And then me and allison are gonna go see 'I, robot' Woot. She got mad at me the other day :-/ it sucked but i guess were all better now. Michelle comes back in like 11 days!!! i cant wait, i miss her a lot. Friday i get another day off prolly wont do anything. Alf is goin somewhere, tc is goin to the beach, and lauren is prolly gonna be workin so i dont really got anyone. Maybe a needed cleaning day.
Food time!