My union voted to agree to two-day-a-month furloughs for an entire year. There's absolutely nothing nice to say about this: I think it was a superlatively dumb move to make without any concessions or conditions, like reduced layoffs or decreased student fees, or maybe even the execs forgoing their car allowances for a while. I don't want to
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Still, times are tough. I'm lucky to live in a place where there are a lot of colleges and universities and therefore a lot of teaching jobs to be had. I only wish I had more time for it.
Well, good luck! I hope it's not a long-term thing. We're hearing a lot of news about how bad it is in California right now. :\
I predict they will lose their jobs anyhow. If the cost of attending goes up and enrollment is cut by 40,000 students, there will be fewer students overall; fewer students, fewer classes; fewer classes, fewer jobs. They're also planning on increasing class sizes (see above).
I was hoping to make the Chancellor agree to preserve a certain number of jobs, or even to keep people on healthcare if necessary before agreeing to a pay cut, but no.
Theoretically, I could be laid off too. But in practical terms, it would be hard to do. I'm tenured with a few years seniority, and I'm in a big department (English.)
And yeah, layoffs seem inevitable at this point. Although there's a lot of optimism in the news (i.e. things are not getting worse as quickly as they were a few months ago), the end is not yet in sight.
As far as the college where I work is concerned, they've just been cutting back on adjunct faculty this year. Not so much on the number of them, but some who used to have two classes now have one. Some who were around for 3-credit courses now have 1- and 2- credit courses. It's sad to see it happen (especially since there are a few of them who drive from on end of the city to the other every other day), but at least it's something.
I work in the continuing education department, though, since I don't have my MFA yet. And that has been drastically cut. This fall/winter season, there are only a handful of classes. It's actually bad enough that I've backed ( ... )
Where I am, if you're adjunct faculty, you get healthcare if you have a certain course load. If it dips below that, then suddenly you don't have healthcare coverage any more. That was top on my list of Stuff We Want to Prevent.
Oh, well. Let's hope for the best. I'm glad my specialty is literature. If I'm going to be un- or underemployed, at least I can be unemployed doing something I enjoy.
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