I just want something simple

Nov 21, 2009 10:11

I took one for the team, non-Twilight readers, and I saw New Moon. Yes, I admit, I love Michael Sheen THAT much that I went to see a film I knew he would be in for 5 minutes (it was more like 10 really) when I hadn't even read the series or seen the first film.

That being said, I admit I have no comparisons to draw and am commenting without bias (in so much as not having any expectations...other than that I wouldn't like the writing...which I didn't - no offense to Twilight fans). Let me say that much too: this isn't to give offense. I respect fandoms, given that I have been a member of many myself! I'm just critiquing a film...

Which ultimately has reminded me of how old I am. Not in terms of years, given that I'm only 24, but...well, I just didn't get it. All the angst...all the "I can't live without you; OMG my heart is breaking, emotional turmoil, emotional turmoil all over a bloke." It's supposed to be romantic and epic but...yeah, I don't get into that sort of romance anymore. It was much more appealing when I wasn't sitting here going, "Right, marriage, babies, building a future with someone that is relatively normal and happy." It's the same reason I stopped finding the Buffy/Angel romance appealing (apart from the fact Spike is clearly much cooler *cough*). Or even Romeo and Juliet...I just don't care about forbidden love or the drama drama drama of these relationships. I want simple; I like simple...sweet, even ordinary, stories that make me go, "Yeah...I want that," or better yet, "Wow, that's lovely...and attainable."

Plus, it bugs me to NO END that Bella's life falls apart when Edward leaves her. Her life...that wrapped around a boy...*shakes head* Be strong woman! Stop looking for a man to make you happy! (note: this is just what I got from the film; again, I have not read the books and so don't know if that's how it is in the novel)

ANYWHO! I loved Charlie. He was just lovely and I had a few moments where I awwwwwwwed. I was probably the only person in the theater except mothers who were there for their daughters who did, but whatever! And the lad who played Jake - there were some good scenes there! I was very convinced by his character and liked him a lot more than I liked Edward, but then 1.) I have a thing for werewolves and 2.) Edward wasn't in this enough to convince me...

But then, I also thought R-Pattz was awful. I was thoroughly unimpressed with his over-dramatic, cheesy portrayal, just as I wanted to smack Kristen Stewart throughout the entire film. It made me glad Sheen was in the one that featured Jake more than Edward.

As for Sheen...heh heh heh...all I have to say is, could the man have been any more campy? Bless him!

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