It's That Time of Year

Mar 31, 2008 15:46

Yes, Spring is in the air.

How do I know?

Well, I look outside and instead of the snow that had been plaguing Chicago all winter, I see rain...lots of rain...

AND I can go outside without a coat (not that I recommend it as 50 degrees F isn't exactly "warm").

Needless to say, this has sparked in me the desire to do things. Yes...things.

And so, now that I am working and making decent money, I have been thinking about what I can do now that I have a regular schedule (not that crazy university one where I'm living at good ole SXU from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm Monday - Saturday...during tech/show weeks at least).

And here's what I'm planning on trying to do for this summer:

-Piano lessons (a must. This is the one thing I will do and plan to commit myself to unless I loathe and despise it and decide that the whole "music ministry thing/working as a director for a Church" isn't what I want after all.)
-Horseback riding lessons (because I've wanted to since I was ten, and you know what, I'm sick of saying I want to do things. I intend to do 3 months of lessons - that way, I will have at least some knowledge and will have fulfilled this burning desire to be like Sorsha from Willow - don't ask about that one...just let me have my crazy fantasies).
-Voice lessons (if I have the money - if not in May, then after the horseback riding lessons are over)

Those are pretty simple things. There is so much I want to do, but I've decided to take it one step at a time; I've also realized, as with this horse riding business, that I can just try things. 3 months of something like horse riding is enough to satisfy the curiosity for me, and if I love it, I can always keep going and find a way to budget it in.

After horseback riding, I'm going to look into trumpet lessons (depending on if I want/am taking voice lessons). It's time I picked up the old brass horn again. But we'll see with that one. That can get very expensive (as my trumpet is over ten years old now! Eeek!).

Anyone care to join me in any of these endeavors? I figured I'd be going it alone, but I'm always up company and like to make sure people know they are welcome.

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