"I may be crazy, but I am not stupid"

Mar 11, 2008 12:07

So glad Mrs. TA posted about this as well, as I was about to feel a little crazy for this:

AH! THE BOARDS ARE DOWN! *freaks out* Normally I would say that will make me more productive, but all I'm doing today is research at work, so I'm stuck in front of the computer and googling stuff all day anyway! ARGH! Double Argh! (and here I was hoping to harass scouse into posting all the stuff she's been working on...oh wait...I can do that here *evil laughter* You know you love me Gem!)

On a COMPLETELY different note:

It can be difficult sometimes to feel your faith life developing and feel like you have no one to talk to about it - I mean, obviously, I feel comfortable posting here because I know that though most of you have very different opinions, you aren't judgmental, but in general, I just don't feel comfortable talking about my religion or my faith because most people give that "Oh, you practice a religion - poor girl who just needs to be enlightened" look.

It's very frustrating to feel like if I open my mouth to say anything in regards to "Jesus" or the "Catholic Church" I'm going to get criticized or judged, not because people don't agree (because that I understand, appreciate, and am perfectly open to) but because people think I'm somehow stupid because I have faith. As if I'm not educated or maybe if I just looked at it a different way I'd see the truth.

Well, I have looked at it - many different ways, and for me, Catholic Christianity, Jesus, the Trinity, the whole thing, is the Truth. The ultimate Truth. I've been reading more and praying more in the past two months than I have in several years, and I've never felt more at peace and more comfortable and confident with myself. I've always "believed" in God's love, but for the first time in my life, I understand and feel it. And I hate that I feel like I can't share that.

No, I don't hate it. It makes me sad. Sad that people have lived so horribly that they've tainted Christianity/Catholicism for others. Sad that some people are so judgmental and critical. Sad that I have to mask my happiness for fear of pushing people away - for fear of getting branded or labeled.

Even posting this makes me nervous, and I feel quite comfortable and accepted by everyone on my flist.

Well, that's my rambling for today. Much love to all of you.
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