*huggles the world*

Sep 23, 2005 20:47

Hi all! *giggles* I am in such a good mood! ^__^ I hope everyone else is too!!
Heeey.... for any pf my friends who live near me... I would really, really like a kitten for my birthday... so I figure if I get one as a present... and I'm "surprised" *cough* My mommy and daddy can't say no. So.. uh... just an idea out there... cause I'm down to 2 animals (not counting the turtle, he's kinda useless...) and I'm feeling really lonely at home.
Adam gets outta work in 10 minutes... hopefully. lol. They had him there until 9:45 last week. Crazy stuff. *happy sigh* You know, it seems that nearly everyone, with the exception of a few people, got the part they wanted in the play. Ryan is Lysander, Jeremy is Demetrius, Michael is Bottom, Pat is Oberon (he came up to me today and said, "I can now proudly say I am king of the faeries. XD")Sam is Titania, Katie is Hermia, I'm Helena, Charlotte is Hypolita (yay amazon queens) lol, all is well in the world. Amy even gets to be head mechanical! lol, with the exception of Bottom. Hey, all the sophomores got mechanicals! lol, that's intense.
I've gotta get off of this subject now. lol
Anyhoo, busy weekend. I get to see Saige and Laura tomorrow! Goodness, I miss those girls so much! we're gonna go bowling. Loser buys dinner!! lol And Sunday, Chelsey, Lila, Christel and I are going to go see the Corpse Bride, Chystalle has to write up a review for her Journalism class. It should be fun. :) I'm really happy, you know. I mean, I've got a wicked busy life now... But it's good for me! I wanna do really well in school, and I think I'm off to a good start!
I'm off to go lay on my couch and be a bum! :D
Love you all!!
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