Mar 25, 2010 03:25
damn fucking frustrated at work recently.
(i) I have to deal with a fucking incompetent and utterly useless intern who doesn't have the brain to think.
(ii) I need to deal with a bloody two-faced sneaky bastard who I had the nicest impression of but is in reality a fucking jackass who likes to play devil's advocate.
(iii) I need to deal with somebody who doesn't know "what read the documentation" means.
Ok. Intern first. WTF????? I mean seriously, WTF? I get it, I get it. I should cut some slack to a 25 year old boy who has never, mind you, never worked before. But dude, the questions you ask really show the lack of thought process in your brain. My friend, it should be reach a problem -> think -> investigate -> no solution then ask me. Definitely not, reach a problem -> turn around and ask me. I'm not your fucking fairy godmother. I don't care when you can't generate your stuff and one more thing, I seriously, seriously don't appreciate your disgusting attitude to me. While I might be of a lowly OTHER status but seriously, you're a FUCKING intern. Even the fucking cleaning auntie has more seniority than you. That said, I don't appreciate you asking me a question then turning around and saying why don't I know the solution. FUCK. Which dumb dog bites the hand that feeds it? If you want an answer from me, you don't fucking question why I don't know it? DUH I don't know it. In case you forgot, I only joined 1 week before you, dude.
Next, sneaky bastard. What the hell were you trying to imply this evening? What the hell did you want me to say? Do you actually expect me to comment? And once again, I know you're English and such, but which part of "I need to leave by 7, don't disturb me" did you not get? It was bloody 6pm. CUT ME SOME SLACK HERE. I shouldn't have to listen to your whining and to what you call you playing "devil's advocate"? I don't fucking care! You have a issue with manpower staffing? Take it up with the manager! Take it up with me for what? I think you're more than sufficiently staffed. Ok, those dudes might be incompetent losers too but whatever. You have what you have. DEAL WITH IT.
OK, I'm running out of steam here.
Lastly, dude who can't read. Not much to complain about. Obviously people who can't read, CAN'T read. Dude, I document for a reason. READ the fucking thing. You're so goddamn free. Make some good use of your time for once and seriously? Your work? It sucks. I hope I never have to cover for you.
All in all, fuck you, assholes