Mar 21, 2009 10:16
[After spending hours alone in his room feeling miserable and useless after Sirius dying, Remus decides to do something now that his magic is back. He's out in the second floor hall, patronus in the form of a large dog next to him, firing off spells at the zombies. He doesn't care if they work or not, he just wants revenge.]
Sirius is gone. Lily is gone. James is...I don't have a bloody clue where James is. Dead somewhere knowing my luck. Apparently Castiel died too. And my roommate Yamamoto. Saber, you're still okay, right?
[Groan of a zombie before Remus shouts ''confringo" and it explodes in flames.]
If anyone needs a hand killing these things, I'll be more than happy to help you. James, if you're still around fancy helping? I think we should definitely get these -
[Breaks off and runs a little further down the hall, muttering "petrificus totalus".]
As I was saying, we should definitely get these bastards back for ki- for what they've done. I'm on the second floor.
why am i still left?,
they all deserve to die,
killing these things,
everyone's gone,
crazy suicide mission time,