i don't know why you say goodbye, i say hello!

Apr 30, 2008 21:54

My throat is very, very sore from all the singing I did over the weekend (musical, rehearsals). I was supposed to do a concert tonight but that failed miserably since I would have ruined my voice for the two huge concerts on Saturday. Extra-curriculars need to be OVER.

I've been procrastinating so much lately. I don't think I should do all the shit I need to do at nine o'clock at night anymore, because then none of it gets done.

I feel very hypocritical about having written my essay on how much I like to read and then spending all my free time watching Juno, Doctor Who, and House. (All of which were utterly fantastic. I really want an Adipose for my very own, regardless of the fact it's made of human fat. I went around for about three days shouting "FAT BABIES" at anyone who stayed still long enough.)

Soon there will be pictures of me with grand pirate facial hair. We (Catherine and I) found a poster on the wall in the dressing rooms with Harold Saxon on it which amused us greatly. Everyone said I looked like Jack Sparrow which made me a little too proud for my own good.

I'm going to bed so that my throat doesn't get worse. Cheers, all! <3

facial hair, throat, adipose, choir, doctor who

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