(no subject)

Mar 09, 2008 20:54

Ugh, daylight savings time. THE WORST DAY EVER. Do not make me get up earlier or I will bite your head off.

Okay, all the badness is over. I saw Les Miserables a couple of days ago, and it was FABULOUS. There were attractive men wearing vests and poofy sleeved shirts and FANTASTIC music and revolution and freedom and death and love! All the things I love in a musical. I cried for at least half of Act II, which is normal for me, I cry at anything. I'm going to read the book now. :D I love being a geek.

I have this thing where I'm trying to learn Welsh, I don't know why, because pretty people live in Wales? It is slightly hopeless right now. I'm learning from an online game and all I can remember is "red knickers" (nickers [sp] coch), "Ger y goeden" (by the tree), and "ast" (bitch). After three hours drilling it in my brain! Spanish is so much easier.

Our school fired our Biology teacher, who was a really awful teacher but it seemed quite unexpected. They still haven't told the parents why and for three days my friends and I were freaked out that it was because she was teaching evolution or something completely batshit crazy like that, but my dad said they were teaching evolution. So maybe it was just that she was awful. The new one is much better.

Speaking of school, I should probably finish my Philosophy essay on stars. Argh. I really do not want to take this course from her, because she's teaching it in an odd way where we don't question the existence of God (not that I don't like religion, but aren't we supposed to be questioning that?) and there is much attempted conversion. Sigh.

I hope everyone is able to drag themselves out of bed tomorrow. It will be a difficult task.

evolution, welsh, les miserables, biology, philosophy, daylight savings time

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