Mar 20, 2008 10:47
So, Montana absolutely rocked. (check out my myspace for a few pics.)
Then I came back.
Now! I'm in GA (gaaaa), actually, it's okay. I have this relatively sweeet job and am about to go apt. searching (staying with the lovely sis. for now).
Other notes:
Boys. boys? boys...
hmmm, no thanks
what is the deal??? It's easy enough making myspace friends, but they already have friends, thus negating any need for new (tangible) ones. Right, well, that's fine. I'll just hang out with myself.
If I weren't such a recluse, I'd find a party to crash. I need to party...with other people. Alone parties just don't have the same effect.
Meanwhile, I'm trying to learn Spanish. Hablo pequin Espanol (?)