Apr 18, 2011 15:28
Was it the bible? or a movie? or a book?
Maybe some urban legend, or gossipy superstision?
Something, somewhere that is was mentioned the world ends in 2012?
hmmmm.....maybe all of the above actually. Seems to be some very very widescale fixation on the year 2012.
Which, you know, is next year. As per our calendar anyways.
Then again, who says our calendar is the right one? maybe it was the year 2012 in the calendar of some strange otherworldy alien tribal culture that eventually relocated away from their deathly challenging and harsh mountain environment to a more deathly challenging and difficult place.....
Hollywood perhaps?
Or maybe the whole end of the world thing is focused around some other timekeeping ideal where what we call a month is actually a week and one of our years is only a month and a decade becomes a year and.....
hmmm.....we could still be around for a long time you know.
I supose it depends on the origin of the 2012 myth. And then of course, if it was first mentioned in the bible (sorry havent read it, something about trying to wade through the first few pages of names upon names gives me a headach and im way to symetrically obsessed to be able to 'skip ahead' anywhere) then we need to think about when our current calendar and time measuring was regulated. If the 'book' in the bible was penned before the regulation of our AD calendar then it would be fairly safe to assume we are offtrack with the timeline.
Maybe not.
How many natural disasters in the last decade? How little redemption is actually being undertaken by governments, cultures, business.....and yes even every day people?
Recylcing your soda cans is a little help, but then the world needs a big help, so your really helping much then are you?
What happened to radicalism, forced change, devotion to an ideal, ambition to achieve it.
And why are the only people who seem to have the abilities or drive for the above always money/power hungry 'enterprevures' or religious fanatics?
Do we simple peasents really think a somewhat comfortable life is more important than a future for our race?
Maybe, humanity has just given up anyway. Maybe we are all so conditioned with little 'comforts' and 'civilisation' that we have forgotten what if feels like to actually HAVE any drive or goal. History is marked by hundreds of world changing 'leaders' 'revolutionaries' and 'icons'. And yet, in the last 100 years, when so called Progress is 10 times faster then its ever been, when we are so very 'advanced' I cant seem to see any of them.
So, if a continent power like Rome could collapse quite substantially, and a 'world power' like england become little but a Icon, just how easy is it for a 'international community' to fall?
Maybe we will find out in 2012
u just think this is theology,
rambling stuff,