Talking about... Eorith

Sep 09, 2015 16:03

Eorith is one of the Fae World worlds. When I started writing it I knew it was going to be a world with classes, but I'm still working out exactly which ones I plan to use and how that's going to affect things. Obviously, because it's one of my worlds, I had to add unusual races. The first one to be introduced were the Curatix Canes. I have to admit to using a lot of Latin to name things, as well as some other languages, but I never used more than one language in a name. I also have to admit to having a lot of races that are mammals, often dogs and cats, although there are a number of other animals on the World Walkers worlds. (Feel free to ask questions about them.) The Curatix Canes are dogs, about the size of Great Dane or English Mastiff, and they have magic.

I'm still working out the magic of this world. That can be one of the most difficult parts of the world building I do, in part because I write at different times, and magic, in my worlds, always evolves. I might learn something about it and then find it's different in ten, twenty, or a hundred years time. What I do know about it is that the magical races have dealt with a long war, that I'm still learning about, which is why humans are being drawn there by the magic of the world - so it's obvious they're going to have an effect on what happens next.

As it's one of the worlds I know least about it would be great to have someone to bounce ideas with, especially related to the classes and magic, because that always helps. I know there are several other races, one humanoid, but so far they haven't come forward yet. The other thing that helps is asking for more stories on this world, as I often learn as I write.

world building, writing, world: eorith

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