Update: 17th August 2015 (2)

Aug 17, 2015 18:13

I'm nearly done with the World Walkers. All I have left to do is the end of Quiar and then I have all the stories for all the worlds connected in timeline order. Now the important question becomes whether I should do the entire collection in timeline order or not. Does it make more sense to leave things as they are, with each of the bigger collections separated into smaller pieces, and not bother with trying to create a timeline fo the whole things? There are certain events that effect all the worlds, but in the grand scheme of things, they're relatively unusual. Do I have readers who would like to read all the World Walkers stories in timeline order?

Another option I have is to have the storylines sorted by character, which might make more sense than doing the whole timeline, because then those things that are connected will be connected. I think I almost prefer that idea, personally, but I don't know about everyone else.

Opinions would be greatly appreciated.

help needed

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