Heroes 1x20 - Five Years Gone

May 25, 2008 22:55

Another massive assignment deadline looms before me, using the ominous cast of its shadow to suggest that I should maybe start, y'know, actually working on it. Clearly, this means I should head to LJ and post more S1 Heroes reactions! Yes? Yes?

This time, it's Five Years Gone. Which is probably my favourite episode of Heroes ever, for all sorts of reasons. *scribbles little hearts all over it* I mean, it's a ♥ canonical ♥ ♥ post-apocalyptic ♥ ♥ alternate timeline ♥. Awesomeness level = in outer space ♥ ♥ ♥. It totally counts as an apocalypse. Shush.

::episode 20 - five years gone::

"I scare me." So obviously, Hiro + Hiro = <3 squared. Okay, maybe not maths as we know it, but Hiro. So just consider it some new branch of ... quantum mathematics. Why should physics have all the fun, right? {i swear this made sense back when i typed it.}

This canonical future post-apocalyptic and did I mention, canonical episode is so. much. fun.

Peter Petrelli's girlfriend - could it possibly be a post-apocalyptic Claire? Or, wait, an undead but not in a zombie fashion (I hope) Simone?

J-jessica?? Yes. That is her. I am an o.o face right now. Did I mention how much fun this canonical future post-apocalyptic alternate timeline is yet? Peter and Jessica!!

Jessica, who is also Niki. They're integrated, aren't they. Because that person on the screen there, she's not being Niki and she's not being Jessica. She's being neither and both of them. This is all so awesome.

Also, I keep meaning to write something about Peter needing to lose his ability to keep all the powers he collects. Blank slate, or something. Maybe something to do with the explosion? Otherwise he's just going to get so powerful that it's no fun anymore. I figure this will actually happen sometime, though, so I'll just enjoy his powered-up awesomeness while it lasts.

And yes. Yes. "Outlawed their breeding", all of that. Exactly. It all makes so much sense. Y'know, so far? I haven't had the urge to go seek out fanfiction for Heroes. Usually I'm one, two episodes into a show and I go scuttling off. But here, I'm sort of afraid the fic'll ruin it. And, seriously, eps like this, who needs fic anyway, right? Hee.

They're hurting Hiro. That's ... that's so unbelievably wrong. Hiro.

SuperSpy Dad's so fucking awesome.

Still with the fucking awesome, and the whole Heroes round-up's fucking scary (and Claire looks pretty good with her new hair colour /shallow).

Future-Hiro just acted almost Hiro-like!!! Yay!!! I was so worried!!! | Ando with the smile and the "So. My friend is still in there." YES ANDO YES! EXACTLY! AND ALSO YOU'RE AWESOME! AND SO IS HIRO!

Peter is so with the fucking cool here. That statement should probably be bolded and italicised. Underlined, too. Whoooo.

Somebody please punch future-Matt in the face. Hard. Repeatedly. Preferably someone with superstrength, because he very much deserves it. He hurt Hiro and turned traitor on SuperSpy Dad. You do not get to do such things and get away with it. There should be laws.

What happens to Ando? I have the horrible feeling something went very wrong here. I mean, look at Future-Hiro. He obviousy doesn't have a Future-Ando. He looks like he barely even remembers what it was like to be cuter and happier than puppies. And there was the thing when they all met up, where, I dunno. The way Future-Hiro was acting. I just got the feeling that he could barely bring himself to look at Ando.

I knew it.

"It went away the day you died."

I knew it.

They are so much love. So. Much. Love. They are 5010 colourbars combined into one.

And yes, saving millions of people, Hiro would want to do that. But if Ando was one of the millions of people? The whole meticulous timeline, the everything. It all makes so much sense now.

"Between you and me? I think you're the reason he became so obsessed with trying to change it all back."

Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes.

{And really, when I first saw the timeline set-up in Isaac's loft at the end of the previous ep, with all the intricately criss-crossing strings and the whole atmosphere of almost desperate obsession? I wasn't very sure what I was seeing, but the first thought that flashed into my head was, "??? Sylar's new den maybe omgwtf?" That's what Future-Hiro's shrine reminded me of - the secret room in Sylar's old apartment, with his wall map spotlighting locations of unknowing Heroes. I thought maybe this was what the wall map had become over the last years.

And - when I started typing this, I just meant to make the point that whoa Hiro had changed so drastically it was scary, if things he did now reminded me of Sylar. But then I realised there's possibly another parallel there. The other notable thing in Sylar's secret room? His wall of penitence and insanity (you know - with the 'forgive me, I have sinned' motif scrawled in blood-red). And really, this whole shrine dedicated to untangling the past Future-Hiro created here? Yes, I'm sure he really wants to undo what happened to save the millions of people who died when New York blew up. But like Peter said. The level of obession that went into crafting that timeline - it wouldn't be there without Ando's death. That timeline/shrine - it's sorta like his own personal penance. His way to redeem himself for the sin of not saving Ando. *flails*}

5010 million colourbars combined into one.


Future-Matt? I'm sure you've been through a lot. But please shut the hell up about putting Hiro down - and this is the young puppy innocent Hiro! how dare you? - before you kill all my affection for your present/past self.

Sylar. That's ... Sylar. Not Nathan. Right?

Jigsaw pieces zooming into place. God, this post-apocalyptic timeline rocks.

So - not integrated? Jessica died? Niki's acting her? This episode is so full of awesomeness.

Forget punching. Someone SIC SYLAR ON FUTURE-MATT. You fucking idiot.


Heh. Yes. My previously-held affection for Matt never quite recovered from this episode. I tried very hard to get it back, it just... Okay, for example? I found this really brilliant fic which made me actually like 5YG!Matt, because of the really fascinating Matt!motivation and Sylar-Matt dynamic it supplied. (Tragically, I can't seem to find it again. I think it was also Sylar/Mohinder...?) I thought I was cured and free to like Matt again. But, no.

The chain of events goes like so: Matt appears onscreen --> I flashback to him hurting Hiro --> I fill with homicidal rage --> I remind myself of the events of that fic --> I calm down --> I look at onscreen Matt again --> I flashback to him betraying Superspy Dad --> I fill with homicidal rage --> I remind myself of the events of that fic --> I calm down --> I look at onscreen Matt again --> I flashback to him hurting Hiro and betraying Superspy Dad --> I sort of really want to punch Matt in the face --> I give up and live with the hate. It's less dizzying.

I don't really like hating Matt, it gets in the way of watching the show. But it appears to be incurable. Has this happened to anyone else? Have you got any tips? :S.


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