METHOS! I mean, meme.

Apr 10, 2005 23:40

Answers to the favorite character meme:

1. BtVS (incl. Angel) -- Willow
2. Firefly -- Kaylee (or Mal) (or Jayne) (heh.)
3. X-Men -- Rogue
4. Roswell -- Kyle (barely beating out Maria, with Isabel third, I think)
5. Everwood -- PUDDING! Er, Bright.
6. PotC -- Elizabeth (close race with Jack)
7. HP -- Draco (the Amazing Bouncing Pea)
8. LOTR -- Éowyn
9. X-Files -- Scully (Krycek would probably be second, mostly because Scully/Krycek is the illogical hotness)
10. MI-5 -- TOM.
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