Master Fic List
One Shots:
Stary night (Prowl/Jazz), K
My Sweet Valentine (Prowl/Jazz), K
A Moment... (Prowl/Jazz), M!
Drift Away, Prowl's version (Prowl/Jazz), PG
Drift Away, Jazz's version (Prowl/Jazz), PG
One for All and All for one (Prowl/Jazz), PG
I Never Told You...(Prowl/Jazz), PG
Me 'Verse (mentioned Prowl/Jazz), PG
First love.... (Prowl/Jazz), M!
Thank you Jazz (Prowl/Jazz), K
Me 'Verse - something (mentioned Prowl/Jazz), PG
Christmas Miracles - collaboration with
pxjloverkyoto (featuring Prowl/Jazz and Mirage/Hound), K
Peace (Optimus Prime and Megatron, not OP/M)
Mentality (pre war, Prowl/Jazz), PG
I Love You... (Prowl/Jazz), K+
Nightmare (Prowl/Jazz), PG13
Second Chances (Prowl/Jazz) PG13
Lift me up (Prowl/Jazz) PG13
Hold me (Prowl/Jazz) PG13
In high definition (Wheeljack, Prowl/Jazz) PG
Sparker (Prowl/Jazz) AU, PG13
Winds of Change (Prowl/Jazz), very AU, PG13
Drabbles 1 (Prowl/Jazz), K - M!
Multi - Chapter: (they are liks to, it's easier for me and you this way)
This is War (featuring Prowl and Jazz; Main focus is the war) M
Burning in the Shadows (featuring Jazz and OC, future Prowl/Jazz) PG
A Chance (pre - war, Prowl and Bluestreak, future P/J) PG
Phenomenon (future Prowl/Jazz) PG
Mentality (future Prowl/Jazz) PG13
Sparrow (Prowl/Jazz) PG13
Always with protection (early war, AI Prowl and young Jazz) PG13
Heartformers Prowl!Human as DecepticonOC, Quickspan Well, that's it for now. New stories and chapters will be updated in this community. =)