Весьма показательный обмен мнениями в комментах на YouTube

Jul 06, 2012 15:53

Эта проблема не только у нас между born in the USSR и более поздним поколением:

- yes,indeed 80s will remain the best period in my life.....born in 1970.....Great childhood,great teenage period.....Today it"s a fucking mess....Respect for 80s !!!!!!

- your generation gave birth to this generation. you are to blame for what we have today. you so busy having party and now its all gone. while you were singing about freedoms "they" were taking away your freedoms, while you were dreaming, "they were stealing your future and dreams... and now here you are gloating and daydreaming about what should have been.... :)

Единственное, что могу прокомментировать - пока пирамида Maslow не опрокинута. То есть разница между поколением 50-х и 70-х лежала всё же в несколько иной плоскости, как мне кажется.

просто наблюдение

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