New arrivals and little white bells...

Apr 23, 2010 19:59

Here's an update on the gardening. Last weekend I weeded the southwest facing bed on the side of the house and cut back old growth. The result is a more clean view of soft greenery. Then on Tuesday, the bulb bed in the front yard got weeded again and I sowed an ample amount of moss verbena there. This should help suppress this certain pesky weed that likes to come up in that spot and I'll get some nice purple blooms.

Out behind the unattached garage I've got something called wallflower that's come up here and there and they are attractively adorned with pretty bright orange flowers. They're from that batch of wildflower seeds that I sowed before, but wallflower waited until this year to come forth. Another surprise newcomer is dianthus. This should be a treat when they bloom, too. Both of these wildflower specimens are welcome to their garden home. :)

Now here's something special that I discovered a while ago out in the fairy garden. Remember the lily of the valley that resides there? Well, it has bloomed for me and the little white bells are neat. Also, that new columbine that's growing there is flowering, too, and the petals are a deep purple.

As for the big pot by the front porch, it's going to be interesting this year. I bought some rununculous earlier this evening and transplanted it there. I like the foliage of rununculous and the bloom on it is a bright yellow. The plant also sports two buds. One is kind of a fuschia color while the other appears to be red. Before I stuck the plant into the pot, though, first I pulled out a healthy clump of henbit. Henbit thrives in the main garden, also, and I've noticed that bees take to it. It will eventually get tilled into the soil. :) A good thing about henbit is that it's easy to pull up and for anyone interested, henbit is part of the mint family. Observe closely and you can see that it has a square stem. Along with rununculous being put in the pot, I also left a nice start of feverfew that had sprouted there on its own.

And this evening I also purchased cilantro and repotted it. It now sits on the kitchen counter close to the window. :)
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