MUSIC MESS ; lets work on fst(s)!

Sep 05, 2009 11:27

~~Songs that could fit Angstshipping vol. 2 "Promise of Forever"~~
Forever Love - Anna Nalick [lyrics][Youtube]
I think it's pretty self-explanatory, fit as either the beginning when he proposes or the end when she says "forever" again.

Your Guardian Angel - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus [not gonna link this one]
I have nothing to add that wasn't already said

I Hope Tomorrow is like Today - Guster [lyrics][Youtube]
We're In This Together - NIN [lyrics][Youtube]
parts fit others don't

~~IDK I'm probably stretching it with these:~~
Help! - The Beatles [lyrics][Youtube]
Love Loss Hope Repeat - Carbon Leaf [lyrics][Youtube] I really liked the title of this one

I DON'T HAVE ANY CREEPY DARK SONGS!? D: well none that would fit >>;

~~These next songs might be better on another fst:~~
Eternal Flame (live) - Bangles [lyrics][Youtube]
I was going to put this above but then I got to thinking, it would probably have been better on vol. 1 or maybe as a NataliaxLuke/Asch song?

You Make Me Smile - Blue October [lyrics][Youtube]
I just think it will fit with vol. 3 better is all

This is Where I belong - Bryan Adams [lyrics][Youtube]
This but the more I listen to it the more I think no

Numb - Lincoln Park [lyrics][Youtube]
My sister said to list it but I don't know about this one

How Far We've Come - Matchbook Twenty [lyrics][Youtube]
Leaving Econtra and just before... although I think the original intent of the song was to have the world actually end with it so it isn't as upbeat as the tempo would lead one to think

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