Next met up with Cyndy, Naoki and Anoia.
Taiyaki: Anoia look! They're frogs like your hat, lets take a photo together :3
Anoia: Oh god...I'm not wearing this by choice >.<
Mini photostory 1
Anoia: Hey, you look my size...roughly. How's about a game of chess?
Anoia: ...Hello?
Taiyaki: Zzzz....
Mini photostory 2
Naoki: Hey you're new here, let me show you around, I'll even lend you my kendama =D
Maneki: Ah, I'm Maneki and this is Taiyaki =)
Anoia: ...I do not associate with these humans.
Bel Shammaroth: Oh noes! It appears we have crash landed on an alien plant! Whatever shall we do?
Arrrrnold: Stay calm! All we need to do is take control!
Arrrrnold: I'll go explore, you wait here.
Bel Shammaroth: But Captain! It could be dangerous!
Naoki: Did you hear that crash?
Maneki: Yeah, lets go see.
Anoia: Bah! You won't be dragging me to your silly adventures.
Arrrrnold: Arrrr! Hand over your monies or we'll kill your family!
Bel Shammaroth: Oh noes..what have we done =O
Naoki: Aww, this one's so cute, what's your name =D
Arrrrnold: Arrrr! Fear me for I am Captain Arrrrnold the Space Pirate!
Maneki: This one looks slightly less...dangerous.
Maneki: So what should we do with them?
Naoki: Dunno, I wonder if he can play kendama =D
Bel Shammaroth: appears we have been taken hostage ;_;
Naoki: Hey look, we found someone your size!
We also had Kappa but couldn't find a way to fit him into the story =(
When I heard that Anoia was 12cm tall I thought she'd be the same size as Taiyaki, but she's so so much thinner. We put Taiyaki's wig on her and it ate her head XD