Feb 20, 2006 14:54
So I did this post originally many a months ago when I was still with Wayne, I thought that I would do it again as I'm sure it will have changed drastically as have I. I will leave the old responses in for comparison. I'm a dork!!
getting to know you.
what's your first name?: Jennifer/same
what’s your middle name?: Dawn/same where do you live?: pei/same
do you like it there?: yes/not really
what grade are you in?: going into 3rd year of university/failing out of university
do you have a job?: yes/2
do you have a lot of friends?: i adore my friends, and it's quality, not quantity!! agreed!/same
how many siblings?: 2/same
who do you live with?: parents and brothers/same
do you get sick a lot?: nope!! haven't been sick in over a year!! well unless you include getting sick due to alcohol/still no, although I have been sick a couple times since
favorite type of candy?: clodhoppers poppers!!!/gummy frogs or hershey's chocolate
how many cavities do you have?: a few/same
have you ever cursed out your mom/dad?: i would imagine, but not recently/a few times since
have you ever cried in public?: yes/same
have you ever pissed your pants in public?: haha, very embarrassing moment/same
when’s the last time you pissed your pants at all?: ugh, that just sounds so vulger. but it would have been that time/same
what do you think of adult diapers?: what the hell kind of questions are these??? seriously!? If you need them then they're good/same
do you cry a lot?: no/not now but that was a blatent lie as i used to cry quite frequently..
have you had the chickenpox?: yes/same
have you had pneumonia?: no/same
have you ever been to a wedding?: yes/same
if yes were you a flowergirl/ringbearer/bridesmaid etc.?: flowergirl/same
have you ever been to a funeral?: yes/same
if yes did you really know the person that died?: yes/same
do you like parades?: yes/same
ever known somebody that died & not cared?: don't think so/same
hours a day do you spend online?: too many/same
do you have a social life?: somewhat/i'm thinking its getting out of hand
rate school on a scale of 1-10.: 7ish/1
you like ringpops? pushpops? gummi worms?: yes yes yes/same
what you think about good charlotte and avril lavigne?: both are good/gay
do you think punkrock is dying/dead?: i love it/yes
did it die about twenty years ago?: obviously not/same
do you like nuts? (that's peanuts, sick kids): yes, but why not just say peanuts?/same
you change your profile on AIM once a day?: don't have one/same
buddies on your buddylist?: 41 on msn/66 on msn
do you have a diary?: just my lj/same
if yes, is it a corny typical diary like on sitcoms?: no, i don't think/def not
do you like writing?: yes/sometimes
what do you think about kurt cobain?: he killed himself and his wife went crazy/same
dream car?: mustang/jetta
do you know a lot about cars?: no/same
what’s your expertise/obsession?: i am definitely obsessed with clothes!!!/same
do you think brad pitt is THAT hot?: no/same
is urban outfitters a sellout?: no idea/same
coke, pepsi, or neither?: pepsi/same
mountain dew?: no thanks/same
thoughts on gay marriage?: go for it, why the hell not/same
thoughts on abortion?: personal choice/same
ever been stalked?: pretty sure, yes/same
peanut m&ms or regular m&ms better?: peanut/same
why the hell did eminem named himself after a candy?: his intials are M.M. duh, he was probably called that alot/same
are you superstitious?: no/same
write people handwritten letters or emails?: both!/same
prefer to receive handwritten letters or emails?: both but probly written slightly more/same
do you actually do your homework?: usually/same
copy homework off of other people when you dont do it?: haha, only in stats lol/same
you like answering long surveys such as this?: i'm doing it aren't I/same
do you want/have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: i've got a fiance, he's ok, lol/i have a boyfriend
if no, why not?:
like country music?: some of it/meh
what about classical?: not in particular/same
do you think TV is a drug?: no/same
do you eat the crust of pizza?: usually/sometimes, depends on the pizza and how hungry i am lol
are you a vegitarian/vegan? why/why not?: no, because I LOVE meat!!! (whats a vegan?)/no, and i know what a vegan is now lol
do you believe in god?: yes/same
left-handed, right-handed or ambidextrous?: right/same
secretly want to be the opposite sex?: no (ps who would answer this question if it's a secret?)/same
do you think girls or boys have it easier?: boys/same
do you have a lot of posters or photos on your bedroom walls?: umm, quite a few pictures/LOTS OF PICTURES!!
what color are your walls? yellowish/same
do you think honesty is important even when the truth hurts?: depends i suppose/definitely
do you like rap?: not really, some is ok/same
is old school punk better than new school punk?: no idea/same
do you like rock at all?: yes/same
what’s your favorite thing to do on weekends?: sleeping in, shopping, spending time with my family/drinking, parting, spending time with friends, shopping, having fun! & sleeping in
do you have (a) best friend(s)?: yes/same
how early do you wake up on school days/weekends?: depends on the days/6am during the week, usually 11ish weekends
do you think all boys are pervs?: haha, deep down inside i think every guy has some perv in him/same
should weed be legal?: no idea/who cares
do you like the tv show 'friends'?: love it!!!!/same
what about 'will and grace'?: its ok/same
do you like any tv at all?: very much/its good when you have nothing better to do
are you lonely?: no/a little, ps i was probably lonely then too lol
do you eat cough drops just because they taste good?: no/same
have you ever done heroin?: no/same
are you a heroine?: i like to think so lol/def not
have you ever done coke or crack?: no (omg!!)/same
weed? speed? n2o? anything?: once or twice/no/no/same
do you drink?: yes MAY 6TH!! WAHOO!/too much, quitting for awhile...seriously
if yes have you ever been so drunk you threw up everywhere?: i threw up in the toilet and on the side of the road/same
have you ever secretly wanted a pet elephant?: no haha/same
do you prefer to be alone or surrounded by people?: i like to be alone sometimes, or other times with my friends and family/i prefer being in the company of people I love but it' alright top spend some time alone
are you shy?: sometimes/same
have you ever eaten a hotdog with chocolate syrup instead of ketchup?: ew no/same sick
have you ever dressed up as the opposite sex for a day?: no lol/same
have you ever pet a porcupine?: no/same
do you wear skirts/dresses/high heels?: skirts!!! and dresses! but I'm too damn tall to wear anything with a heel, damn it!/hahahaha I friggin LOVE heels!!! Yay to the Chat and not dating short boys anymore!! ahha
do you prefer skirts or pants?: I LOVE both!!/same
do you secretly wish you were born in the 70s?: no, why would I? Then I'd be in my thirties. I'm scared enough about turning 20 in less than a week!/I'm nearing 21..eek, lol kidding but no
do you have a stash of playboy magazines that you hide from your parents?: oh yes, a ton/....lol
have you ever dressed up like elvis and sang to yourself in the mirror?: no/same
do you/would you dress up your dog: if i had one, i'd put a sweater on him in the winter lol/same lol
when’s the last time you showered?: this morning/after the gym last night
do you have hydrophobia?: extreme or irrational fear of water, especially as a symptom of rabies. no/same
do you like salads?: yes/same
do you eat out a lot?: no/prob a bit too much
Well I suppose I haven't really changed that much on the inside, it's more my personality thats changed. You can't change who you are..ah Arrested Development, lol. I think I'll go watch some.