rupert the wonder mouse.

Aug 15, 2007 12:24

yesterday i found a baby mouse squeeking in the middle of the gravel drive in back of new vistas...
nowhere was the mother to be seen,
so i wrapped it in my bandana and hoped the mother would find it,
but she didn't, so i took him home.
i bought some kitten replacement milk formula and a little dropper-bottle,
and named him rupert.
hes about as big as my thumb,
frisky little fellerrrrr, but his eyes are still closed.

he loves to just sit in my hand and squeals when i leave him, it's so cute.
i hope he keeps doing well...
and on that note i'm going to warm some water and stick the bottle in it, it's time to feed him anyway.

p.s. it's wet outside.
p.p.s. i like getting paid to be on the internet searching for outdoor pillows and driving around trying to find kitty litter.
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