I have my life back!

Jul 26, 2007 07:29

The exam is over. Thank god. I'm actually sleeping again without horrible nightmares and anxiety attacks. I can actually read a book or watch TV without feeling guilty! Last night, after the test, was bliss. I came home to a home-cooked dinner by Geoff and just vegged on the couch for a few hours before crashing hard and sleeping for 8 solid hours.

Thanks to everyone for their support and good wishes. I think I did well. Not perfect, but decent enough. There are certainly a lot of issues I missed that I'm currently hitting myself for, but overall, I think I got enough to pass the test and actually become a real attorney.

My plan today: Go to Target and the grocery store. Buy some cheap cabinets for my office. Make a real dinner for Geoff. I'm going to try making chicken pot pie. I figured I can't go wrong with a Betty Crocker recipe. Besides that, anything I damn well feel like! I was going to read Harry Potter, but I think I'll save that for tomorrow. I feel the need to get out and actually see the world for a few hours!!
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