one ☾

Jul 10, 2011 11:45

[A.) action; 1667 Nelson Street]

[Usagi mumbles something about food in her sleep, turning over in bed. That's when a pesky ray of sunlight hits her square in the face, making her wake up. She blinks a few times, absolutely positive that she'd gone to sleep in her own bed that night. And she was in her pink pajamas with the bunnies, not - was that ( Read more... )

phone;, moon cosmic -- wait what, what do you mean i can't transform?, action;, place: 1667 nelson, place: mayfield streets

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[action, around town] frilly_filly July 10 2011, 18:05:39 UTC
[Usagi will likely notice a white and purple pony trotting around town while she's out and about, also looking around curiously at things. Notably, she's hanging out near the jewelry store looking at all the pretty gemstones.]


[action, around town] moonspirals July 11 2011, 00:45:16 UTC
[She definitely notices. And walks up like it's nothing.]

Aah! So pretty, aren't they? You'd be even prettier with that blue one...


frilly_filly July 11 2011, 00:49:15 UTC
Blue does match my eyes rather nicely. I've always been rather fond of sapphires.


moonspirals July 11 2011, 00:57:18 UTC
[OH WOW YOU CAN TALK. It's like Luna! She misses Luna.]

Aah! You can talk! My cat back home could, too. And I agree. It would look really nice with your eyes.

I like that diamond's like something a princess would wear.

[Right. Name.]

I'm Usagi, by the way. It's nice to meet you!


frilly_filly July 11 2011, 01:13:53 UTC
Of course! All ponies can talk, at least in Equestria. But I gather that isn't the case for most other places.

[All the same, Rarity smiles brightly at the compliment.]

The diamond one is rather fetching, isn't it? I have a brooch quite like it at home. Oh, but how rude of me - introductions, of course! It's a pleasure to meet you, Usagi. My name is Rarity.


moonspirals July 12 2011, 02:19:24 UTC
[She shakes her head.]

No, they can't. But most cats can't talk, either, and Luna definitely could. So maybe ponies can, too, and I just haven't met one that could before now!

And it's nice to meet you, too, Rarity. So you like things like this? I miss shopping with everyone back home.


frilly_filly July 12 2011, 03:20:55 UTC
Yes, you could say that. I use gems all the time to accentuate my clothing designs. Unfortunately, all of my supplies are still back in Ponyville. It's a real problem.


moonspirals July 15 2011, 11:05:49 UTC
You design clothing? Wow, you must be a big star back at home! It's a shame that all of your things are back home, though.

[Thinking, thinking. There has to be a way to fix...]

Hmmm. Maybe there's something you could use instead? I don't know what, though.


frilly_filly July 15 2011, 15:22:24 UTC
A rising star, you might say. I'm still waiting for my big break.


Yes, I'm going to have to find something else. Gemstones are far more expensive here than back in Ponyville. All you had to do at home is find them and dig them up.


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