one ☾

Jul 10, 2011 11:45

[A.) action; 1667 Nelson Street]

[Usagi mumbles something about food in her sleep, turning over in bed. That's when a pesky ray of sunlight hits her square in the face, making her wake up. She blinks a few times, absolutely positive that she'd gone to sleep in her own bed that night. And she was in her pink pajamas with the bunnies, not - was that ( Read more... )

phone;, moon cosmic -- wait what, what do you mean i can't transform?, action;, place: 1667 nelson, place: mayfield streets

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Action imaginenumbers July 10 2011, 17:25:55 UTC
*In the grocery store Sakura is busy stocking up on foodstuffs. She looks so adult, buying all of those groceries! Even though she's only about three years older than Usagi. She walks out carrying way too many bags for one girl but she's managing it.

The bad part is that she can't see where she's going and she might be running into Usagi here.*


Action moonspirals July 10 2011, 17:34:00 UTC
[Or Usagi could be running into Sakura! It's really six of one, a half-dozen of the other, because she is so not looking at where she's going. Things go flying, and she lands square on her butt.]



Aaah, I'm sorry! Are you all right? I'm sorry, I didn't see you at all!


Action imaginenumbers July 10 2011, 17:37:57 UTC
*Sakura's groceries go all over the ground as well and she falls back on her bottom as well. Doujiko club!*

N-No, that was my fault! M-Maybe I should do two trips next time.... I hope the eggs didn't break......


Action moonspirals July 10 2011, 17:55:28 UTC
No, that was my fault, everyone tells me I should pay more attention to where I'm going...

[Eggs, eggs, -- it takes Usagi a minute, but she finds them. And they seem to have been cushioned by bread. That's a bit squashed, but at least only one of the eggs broke.]



Action imaginenumbers July 10 2011, 18:00:30 UTC
Um, I'm told the same thing...

*Sakura puts on a small smile.*

Ah, no, it's alright! At least all of them didn't break... and the bread is still edible.


Action moonspirals July 11 2011, 00:43:20 UTC
[Nervous laughter gives way to a small smile.]

Lucky! I mean, it would have been better if none of them had broken, but...

[She's just going to start gathering things up.]


Action imaginenumbers July 11 2011, 01:05:50 UTC
Um, y-you don't have to help me...


Action moonspirals July 11 2011, 02:04:40 UTC
I want to! I helped knock them over, after all.

[A smile.]

Ah. I keep forgetting - I'm Usagi. You?


Action imaginenumbers July 11 2011, 02:34:19 UTC
Sakura... nice to meet you, Usagi.

*Sakura begins packing the food back in the bags. Once they're done she'll stand up with all of those groceries in hand.*

I should probably get home soon.


Action moonspirals July 11 2011, 02:54:23 UTC
I can help bring them home, if you want? It's a lot for just one person.

[just give her stuff that can't break or get smushed.]


Re: Action imaginenumbers July 11 2011, 03:12:09 UTC
I couldn't trouble you like that.


Action moonspirals July 12 2011, 01:44:55 UTC
It isn't trouble! Not at all.


Re: Action imaginenumbers July 12 2011, 03:21:28 UTC
Thank you so much!

*Sakura hands off a few of the nonbreakables to Usagi.*


Action moonspirals July 15 2011, 11:03:41 UTC
You're welcome.

[better that they're the non-breakable ones.]

Ah - I'm Usagi. It's nice to meet you.


Action imaginenumbers July 16 2011, 19:10:25 UTC
It's nice to meet you as well. I'm Sakura.

*And Sakura starts on back towards her house~*


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