five ☾ - phone/action

Oct 07, 2011 13:57

A.) phone;Hi! This is Usagi. Um...can someone explain what this 'homecoming' thing that's got posters about it plastered on all the school walls is? I don't get it other than that there's a football game and a dance ( Read more... )

frandship is good, what are american traditions, i miss mamo-chan

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[ phone ] dutying October 7 2011, 19:25:01 UTC
[ Homecoming sounds a bit like fun.. ... Minako and having fun don't go well together usually, but.. well, it's not like she can stop keeping an eye on Usagi. And she's gotten a little bit better at this kind of having fun stuff right before she came to Mayfield. ]

I'll go with you, if you want.


[ phone ] moonspirals October 7 2011, 20:32:45 UTC
Really? That sounds great!


[ phone ] dutying October 7 2011, 20:53:18 UTC
I haven't been to this kind of thing either in a while, even back home, so we can both be new at it.


[ phone ] moonspirals October 7 2011, 20:54:37 UTC
Hahahaha, okay! Oh, we should go shopping beforehand, to find something to wear...


[ phone ] dutying October 8 2011, 13:18:48 UTC
Hm, sounds like a plan. Do you want the two of us to go together? It might be a little bit harder to find something nice though with the fashion of this time..


[ phone ] moonspirals October 8 2011, 21:29:33 UTC
Yeah! Let's go this weekend? We'll see what we can do.


[ phone ] dutying October 9 2011, 18:34:05 UTC
Sure, it's not like there's much else to do in this place, so I'll be free for it then.


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