three ☾ phone/action;

Aug 18, 2011 11:56

A.) phone; filtered away from housemates

[It's been a very rough week for Usagi. She's woken up the past two mornings and not long after, she's died. Once due to razor blades in the milk, and the second time due to the Grade-A poison in it.

This morning, she's 'lucky' enough to have only gotten regular poison in the milk. She sounds terrible when ( Read more... )

call for help, drinking the milk is bad, not!dad is a jerk, death everywhere

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B fatefullfriend August 20 2011, 02:00:10 UTC
[Remember that orange wolf? She's spotted Usagi and quickly running over to her before the girl collapses.]


moonspirals August 20 2011, 02:38:00 UTC
[Good timing. She needs it; when she falls, it's right against Arf, almost instinctively hugging her.]

...things here...they're not good...


fatefullfriend August 20 2011, 02:52:31 UTC
[With a whine, Arf nudges Usagi more up onto her back.]

You're sick.


moonspirals August 20 2011, 03:50:20 UTC
[And she does just that, with no resistance. Talking wolf? She has a talking cat back home and she's met talking ponies. Not phased in the slightest.]'s from the milk. My fake dad is making me...says he'll hurt everyone if I don't...


fatefullfriend August 20 2011, 04:17:07 UTC
[Arf doesn't know where the doctor is, but she knows Fate will know what to do. So she starts taking Usagi toward the wolf's house.]

There are too many people here for him to hurt unless he's an S-rank mage.


moonspirals August 20 2011, 05:11:16 UTC

[On one level, she knows this. On another, she's sick and confused and this guy watched her die twice.]

...I hope that's right.


fatefullfriend August 20 2011, 12:11:19 UTC
Just rest. I'm taking you back to my house. My master will know what to do.

Do you know the name of your fake father? [She needs to know who to bite.]


moonspirals August 22 2011, 02:32:08 UTC
Thank you.

[She settles, and a minute later...]

I live at 1667 Nelson Street. My fake-father just introduced himself as the Major.

...I'm scared of him. I shouldn't be, but I am...


fatefullfriend August 22 2011, 02:33:58 UTC
[Arf walks slowly and carefully, not wanting to jostle the girl.]

It's okay to be afraid.


moonspirals August 22 2011, 04:12:09 UTC
[Usagi appreciates that.]

I just don't know what I'm going to do about it. I can stay with a friend after this, but I know I can't stay there forever...


fatefullfriend August 22 2011, 04:33:52 UTC
Are your friends strong?


moonspirals August 22 2011, 18:16:46 UTC
She is. One of the strongest people I know.


fatefullfriend August 22 2011, 18:22:08 UTC
Then you'll be okay. She'll be there when you need her the most.

[Look, there's 945 Beulah. Arf makes herself stop from running now that she's in sight of her house. Usagi didn't have the strength to hold on.]

We're almost there.

[Might as well howl to let Fate know something's up.]


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