three ☾ phone/action;

Aug 18, 2011 11:56

A.) phone; filtered away from housemates

[It's been a very rough week for Usagi. She's woken up the past two mornings and not long after, she's died. Once due to razor blades in the milk, and the second time due to the Grade-A poison in it.

This morning, she's 'lucky' enough to have only gotten regular poison in the milk. She sounds terrible when ( Read more... )

call for help, drinking the milk is bad, not!dad is a jerk, death everywhere

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B headedforhope August 18 2011, 17:08:12 UTC
[Mami, on the other hand, has managed to stay reasonably healthy thus far. Her senses are as alert as ever- even more than usual, actually, given the dangerous turn this town has once again taken. So it's not hard to notice Usagi's terrible state of health after a few minutes of observation. It's not hard to decide to approach, egged on by a burgeoning feeling of concern.

She casually falls into step beside the other girl and begins, gently:]

...excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice that you seem unwell. Is that right?


moonspirals August 18 2011, 17:13:43 UTC I'm not well at all. Do you know where a doctor's office is? I was looking for one...

[But she's wobbly on her feet, and it shows; she trips over her own feet and falls a moment later.]


headedforhope August 18 2011, 20:21:00 UTC
[Quickly, Mami executes a neat step-turn to place herself in front of Usagi in order to catch and prop her up before the poor girl's face hits the pavement. This particular turn of events doesn't really surprise her.]

-Ah, careful now. [She takes in the pallid color of Usagi's face, the sweat- and her smile fades a touch.] As for the doctor, there's one certainly here, but he's a drone. I'm fairly sure most of the staff at the hospital are as well; they won't help you. [Mami pauses, and then she asks in a low voice:] What happened, miss?


moonspirals August 18 2011, 20:30:13 UTC
...Usagi. Tsukino Usagi.

[She shakes her head. She doesn't want to talk to a drone.]

My...'dad'...has been making me - making me drink the milk. I don't want to, but...he's going to hurt everyone if I don't.


headedforhope August 18 2011, 20:43:13 UTC
[A careful hand on Usagi's forehead, feeling her temperature. It's a measure of Mami's control that her voice remains calm even after hearing those weak and whispered words. Yet there's a new coldness to it, if again no surprise. In this despairing world, of course such cruelty exists, and Mayfield is practically a breeding ground for it.]

I see....I had guessed that milk had been involved when I first saw you, Tsukino-san. I'm sorry to be right in thinking so. [....] My name is Mami Tomoe, and now that we're properly you feel up to answering some questions? I want to try and help you.


moonspirals August 18 2011, 21:59:01 UTC
I'm sorry that I'm being trouble for you, Mami-chan. Can I call you that? And -- I think so. Just let me sit down...I'm kind of dizzy.

[Just pointing to a tree and then going to sit under it.]


headedforhope August 18 2011, 22:18:01 UTC
[Normally she'd resist that sort of informality, but that kind of thing can wait for less perilous times.]

Ah, don't worry about it. And it's no trouble- not at all. [Mami nods, following Usagi, but remains standing. She waits for a moment, eyeing the other blonde with a sympathetic eye, until Usagi's ready.]


moonspirals August 19 2011, 00:16:52 UTC
[She nods a moment later. Usagi might be sick and nervous, but she's also intrinsically trusting. Right now, it's all she can do.]


headedforhope August 19 2011, 18:49:18 UTC
[Mami's gaze is gentle, meant to invite that sort of trust. Perhaps later she'll feel guilty about it.]

Tsukino-san, where exactly have you been staying? [She'll need the address if she can't coax out a description of this bastard of a father.] You know, this town allows us to spend a few days away from our assigned home....I don't know how long this incident with the milk will last, but you can at least have a short reprieve. Do you have any friends in this town?


moonspirals August 19 2011, 22:11:34 UTC
It's at 1667 Nelson Street...the 'not' dad is called 'Major'.

And - I do. I could probably stay with Minako-chan. I should talk to her about it. I'm still just...shocked. How can someone just watch someone else hurt like that?


headedforhope August 23 2011, 04:48:32 UTC
[A military man?....well, best not to ponder it now.]

Ah, that's good. Please do so as soon as you can, okay? [A pause, regarding Usagi for a moment. That stings to hear, such innocence. It reminds her of Madoka.] Unfortunately, in this world, some people simply exist like that- cruel and selfish, a menace to others. It's a shame that a nice girl like you has to feel pain because of it.

[What she thinks- but does not say -is that there's little point in trying to save such people. They're too far gone. Better to put them down before another innocent has to suffer.]


moonspirals August 23 2011, 05:34:01 UTC
I will.

[There's a nod. It isn't that Usagi's so naive to think that there aren't cruel people in the world; she's not. She's just never seen it up close. It's not wrong to say she's almost been living in a bubble.]

It's frightening, the thought of having to live with someone like that. I don't have a choice in the matter, I know, but...

[But she wishes it was that simple.]


headedforhope August 23 2011, 07:17:02 UTC
[And here's Mami, practically the opposite: the reluctant and yet helpless witness to murder and suicide and countless other awful things until it left indelible bruises on her psyche. It made a girl that can smile blankly while bringing monsters to their knees- lie smoothly through her teeth with every semblance of truth. Yet her control is like a Jenga tower; dislodge the right piece and it all comes crashing down.

It certainly teeters now in the face of what the Major has done. Mami can only live with herself by fighting for more than just herself, and she's willing to do so again in Mayfield. Kneeling down beside Usagi now, a gentle hand on her shoulder.]

I understand. If I could trade places with you, Tsukino-san, I would.

[Mami is deceptive, manipulative, her mean streak small and yet undeniably there. But there's kindness, too- more than she realizes she possesses. Mami means what she says in this moment, would grant such an exchange if it was in her power.

She can handle someone like the Major.]


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