three ☾ phone/action;

Aug 18, 2011 11:56

A.) phone; filtered away from housemates

[It's been a very rough week for Usagi. She's woken up the past two mornings and not long after, she's died. Once due to razor blades in the milk, and the second time due to the Grade-A poison in it.

This morning, she's 'lucky' enough to have only gotten regular poison in the milk. She sounds terrible when ( Read more... )

call for help, drinking the milk is bad, not!dad is a jerk, death everywhere

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A 1 / 2 dutying August 18 2011, 16:30:54 UTC
[ There's a good moment where Minako is just left speechless at the call.. But that's all it takes, just that one good moment, for the panic to settle in. ]

Are you oka-- [ She doesn't finish the sentence, since she knows it's pointless to ask. She can hear it in Usagi's voice. The panic is easily audible in her voice though, even as she tries to push it back to at least seem somewhat reassuring. But it's hard with Usagi like this, not to mention her own situation with the milk.. ]


2 / 2 dutying August 18 2011, 16:31:32 UTC
... I don't know how it exactly works, but.. if other people can drink a different house's milk for it to work, I'll help you.

[ And if not, she'll find some other way. She has to. ]


moonspirals August 18 2011, 17:12:06 UTC

I - I can't. He said he'd hurt everyone else if I didn't. I can't let you...


dutying August 18 2011, 17:40:53 UTC
He.. [ Her voice becomes a bit more tight. ]

Who is forcing you to do this? We have to make him stop, somehow...! [ Her voice trails off there. ]


moonspirals August 18 2011, 17:47:39 UTC
You know how this place assigns moms and dads? My 'mom' is one of those drones, and my 'dad'...

[She swallows the lump in her throat.] the one who said that if I didn't, he'd hurt everyone...


dutying August 18 2011, 17:58:12 UTC
Your 'dad'?!

[ Of course it's possible to have someone with quite less than regular morals assigned in your household here, but it hadn't crossed Minako's mind as much since her 'fathers' so far had been.. well, relatively normal. But to know Usagi lives with someone like that, and that she's practically unable to help.. ]

... Can't we get you out of there? Or.. anything-- I'll stay with you there, even, if I have to!


moonspirals August 18 2011, 18:17:12 UTC

[And she'd gotten fooled early on; he'd played nice with her until that first day. The look on his face when he watched as those blades cut her, hurt her, is more frightening than any villain she'd defeated.]

I -- I want to. I really want to go anywhere but here. I'm just -- I'm scared he'll find me and then hurt everyone...


dutying August 18 2011, 18:26:36 UTC
I'll.. I'll protect you.

[ Even if she knows she can't do much against most of Mayfield's population. And she doesn't even have all her powers back by a long shot. But she knows she can at least fight somewhat even untransformed, and it's a much more preferred option than seeing Usagi hurt like this.

Not just as a princess she had to protect, but also as a friend. Even if it isn't the exact same Usagi she knows. ]

... You can always come to my place here. It's 503 Ricardo Street - my family is pretty reasonable. And if you want me to come over there, just tell me, okay? I'll be there in just a few moments, no matter when.


moonspirals August 18 2011, 19:33:35 UTC

[ There are tears in her eyes now. What to do? She doesn't want to die again, but at the same time, she couldn't bear it if she got someone else hurt. ] it okay if I come over even if I'm sick? Whatever that was in the milk made me sick.


dutying August 18 2011, 19:51:50 UTC
Especially if you're sick. [ Her voice sounds a bit determined now. She needs to make herself sound firm, if not just for Usagi, so-- ]

Listen.. I'll make it alright, okay? We'll find you a doctor, and.. it will be okay. So don't worry anymore. [ Even if she knows that doesn't solve the whole thing, that she can't take care of this problem on her own. ]


moonspirals August 18 2011, 21:55:51 UTC
Okay. I'll be there in a little while.

And - thank you. [Just. Shoving some things into a bag and scooting out the door.]


dutying August 19 2011, 20:12:24 UTC
You're welcome. [ And there's actually something genuinely warm in her usual more business-like tone. ] And.. helping you is never a problem.

[ And after that she will just be waiting for Usagi. ]


moonspirals August 19 2011, 21:52:29 UTC
[Who will show up a few minutes later, looking like death warmed over. She just knocks, too weak to call out.]


dutying August 20 2011, 14:04:39 UTC
[ She's practically already waiting behind the front door all this time, so it only takes her a moment to hastingly open the door. She still looks worried (moreso than usual, it's not quite like her pokerface) but there's perhaps some relief mixed in with it by now too. ]

I'm glad.. [ She moves over to support the other girl a bit. ] You made it over alright, right?


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