Dec 15, 2005 21:47
i actually pulled it off.
i'm going to make a kahlua n creme and prob. head to bed. *huge relief sigh*
additional note: just got off the phone with mark. his mother has asked him to be equal partners with her on future houses. they should get another house next month, hopefully. mark will take a weekly draw equal to the paychecks he has been getting because we know we can survive on it. it isn't great money, but we can get our bills covered with it. this way he can get a larger chunk at once when the house sold. they are almost finished with the house they have been working on. the appraiser was absolutely shocked at the difference in the house from when his mother bought it.
oh Llewellyn contacted me this morning, they sent out a manuscript for me to review. perfect timing.
definately a kick ass day. now i am going to bed as the morning will meet me too soon.
night world.