Jun 01, 2005 23:28
I can't get college out of my mind. My newest craze college is Cornell U. I've looked around the site/at pictures/talked to an alumna friend, as far as the Ivy League goes, it's my favorite from what I can tell. I guess NY wouldn't be bad, Yale doesn't look appealing because it's in CT. But hell, I honestly don't think I've got a chance of being accepted, but still, I can dream. I mean, I have some brains, but among the smarter I am mediocre and don't really have any quality/whatever that makes me stand out. Then, I almost feel like I'd be cheating myself to just go to some in-state school unless it were Duke. I think I can get into Duke. And, I do actually know what Duke is like, having grown up essentially on campus. And damnit, I'm a junior in HS and I'm scared shitless about the fucking SAT. It makes me want to cry. I've got my big ass Gruber's SAT to drag myself through this summer, not looking forward to that mess. I think I should take it once without studying and just see what I can pull out. This is supposed to be summer vacation isn't it?
But really, I'm excited about college despite all this mess. And...despite the fact I have 2 more years left in high school.