May 26, 2005 23:57
It's been a really good week so far. I had SO SO SO much fun tonight with all my great friends. Everyone was swimming and I will not get in a bathing suit, so I just got a pair of Mary Frances' shorts and a shirt and got in. It was really fun, except hot tubs fog glasses really badly. MF and I played football. I'm jealous of Sarah's flawless figure. Sean was the only boy there, it was reallllly funny, he finally got in the hot tub with us, pimp. I also put 2 rice cakes in my nose. And then we walked Laura to her house...and Alexandra was wearing her bikini, a Canadian mounties' hat and high heels. Was a sight, I told her to go stand in the corner...of the SKREET. That was a really fun time.
Sean and I went out to lunch together yesterday, it was really enjoyable. We had a lot to talk about. Really nothing that was unimportant, we talked about serious important things which I like to talk about. We ate at Quizno's, the little sandwich holders look like thought bubbles and we held them up to our heads and tried to read each others' thoughts. He had some crummy things going through his mind. But I had a lesson at four so we didn't get to hang out anymore.
My recital was today which went fine. Ryan I can tell is still mad at me because I made CYWE and he didn't, so he always starts playing hard music when I walk in. He sounded good on the Neruda though, he couldn't take a compliment though.
So exams kind of disappointed me as far as my scores go. I know I could have done better on both of them. And did I study, I studied every day for like a week, and all day literally on Tuesday. All my hard work is compromising my mental health. Maybe one day it will all pay off for me. Probably not ever though. When I think that in the future, I will be subjecting myself to somewhere around 14 years of school/training/degree earning after high school I wonder why I do it to myself. But I will.
I talked to Mr. White today and almost started crying because he's going to be gone next year. I wish that guy were my age because we would be best friends I know it. I also talked to Mrs. Mach for very close to an hour, it was a lot of fun. I got AP Bio and AP chem books for this summer from Mrs. Crowle. I didn't go see Morgan cause I frankly don't want to look at him. I'm glad that sorry bastard's leaving, I've lost so much respect for that man. And at the same time, my music has changed my life and he's helped with that. But damn man.
God I'm ready to go to Maine and get out of my damn house. I'm gonna go longboard tomorrow because Ben's having girl deals that I'm not getting involved in. But we are sewing star wars costumes together, mom is.
Well...I'm still in we clothes and fucking the leather desk chair, and I really cold. Tomorrow is grajeyashun.