I stopped waiting for David to install Deepest Sender, and I did it myself. That is a big deal for me because I'm always afraid I'm going to mess something up on the computer.
Also, I didn't report on Rhiannon's report card. She got all S's on behavior, all 3's (top score) in all of the areas of academic stuff and S's in Social Studies and Science. The comment was Great Job! So school is going well for her. We have a busy week around school next week. I'm going to a Mom's breakfast thing with her next week, and then they have a bookfair.
Yesterday Alastair turned 11 months old, and he learned how to get down from the couch and the bed (our bed is high up so that was a real accomplishment). He's walking well and fast, he can say mama, dada, baba (bottle), dog (he kind of swallows the g, but you can hear it). He can pick up just about anything with his hands. He's teething a lot which means he thinks anything and everything is his to bite (I'm very high on the list btw). His biggest mishap thus far in the toddling stage is putting the tv remote in the toilet. He outran me, and dropped it in before I could stop him.
Biggest grump of late is taxes. We have to come up with $1600 by the 17th (we might be able to narrow it down a bit more). It means we'll be having to wait on me to order the rest of my wedding clothes, can't start saving money for the trip to California this summer, and we'll be eating cheap food for two weeks. All because we wanted to buy a house and cashed in the 401k. Yep, all the taxes are penalties from that.
I hate money; it is evil. David might be doing some contract work soon, but he doesn't know yet. And he still doesn't know if he is going to get a bonus. I'm thinking not, but who knows?
Other than that, my allergies are bad, and I'm very grumpy this week because not enough sleep and allergies makes me even grumpier. I have officially hit curmudgeon status.
I started reading Moon Called by Patricia Briggs, and I'm over halfway through it. Enjoying it. Thanks for the recommendation
azuzil .
More driving today, but I've driven there a few times now, so I should be more relaxed.
Oh, and I didn't do anything for Spring Equinox. I'm a bad little Pagan.