Oct 21, 2002 12:54
Last week was WAY stressful. being midterms and all, i had a test or paper due in every class. and it even continues into this week. but after wed. i will be all done and i can relax!!! not to mention looking forward to the BIG party at my apartment this Friday. (the date has been changed to Friday due to the flyers that were going around about it..:(.....no goood). I hope that you can all come on Friday...it should be a balst and i am espically excited cuz my freinds from home are coming up..YEAHHHHH!!!!!
I am way psyched cuz i got a 72% on my Human Sexuality test. yeah i know it doesn't sound great but actually its really good considering people fail the class cuz of the tests. And while i was taking it i felt like i knew NOTHING...even after studying for over 6 hours. plus i am getting an A- in German..YEAH GO ME!
The Beginning of last week started out pretty bad...
I got COMPLETLY trashed on monday night. Jess and i went over to Craig's for a while. and later that night i ended up talking to him online. lests just say werid things came out the converstation. i am not too sure what to think.........???????......
ANYWAYS..the week goes on and on Wed night i went to the Computer Lab with Carig..yeah i know no big deal but it was the first time we actually "hung out" as freinds not as neighboors. That was awesome
Thursday night Craig stops be before he goes out....and he gives me a BIG hug..AWWWWWW.
Plus Jess tells me that she totally approves of him. and I talked to James who i haven't seen in a long time so it was good.
Friday was great. I went with Jess to Peckham in Lansing. Its where she worked over the summer with mentally impaired adults. We walked into the plant and they all ran up to give her a hug. I had so much fun meeting everyone who worked there. it was a AWESOME expericence. After that we went to Applebee's for lunch and then went to the mall and went shopping. I bought a coat from AE originally $60 i got it for $20. Great way to end the week.
That night Kelly and i went over to Craig's. His freinds were there. They are so awsome. Later in the night i was the only girl there but they were still really cool and didn't make fun of me cuz i wasn't great at PS2.
Have you ever been with someone and felt everything fall into place???? Craig and i had a wonderful night. but i haven't seen him since that night?!?!?!? Could this be bad? oh well i am not going to worry about it. its not worth it..but in a perfect world i would be with Carig.
Saturday i studied and Sunday the same. no fun
This week should be pretty busy but its what college is all about. Talk to all you crazy kids later...
Luv ya