Sep 06, 2002 16:04
Hey guys....
Not too much new here...lastnight we celabrated my roommate Chelsea's Birthday. we all got really really trashed. and poor chelsea got sick
OK well a couple weeks ago Jess mentioned how she thinks our neighboor Craig and i would make a cute couple...well last night we hung out a little bit. things were good. he wanted my screenameto talk to me cute. he is a nice guy and a good freind but i am not sure if i could see him as my boyfriend?!?! oh well i guess i just gotta wait and see. and advice from a good freind said that....."don't think of it anything more than freinds..then see what happends" (Thanks Kate) :)
Plus some of you might remember the whole Jayme thing from last semester..well it continues...we are talking again and he is like being all nice again...i am not too sure what to think of it all. plus he said we should try "starting over" what the heck is going on?!?!?!
well i gtg so i will talk to you all later..and have a great weekend! :)
luv always