Sep 28, 2012 10:05
There are Many Things I have wanted to post/ vent about for some time-- wild animals (I have at least one doe and fawn visiting my property, but I think two does and three fawns), I saw a bear on the way to work. What's happening at Penn State, and my sister has worked out resin- casting and makes Zelda Rupee- like gems. Cat things, and car things, and horse things, and model horse things, and picture things, and how CUUUTE a day- old miniature donkey is (not mine.)
And You-Tube at the library. I found a clip from Alexander Nevsky-- right before the battle itself, the charge of the Teutonic Knights, a minutes- long buildup before the line hits the Russian peasant levy. As it is originally, it's good, although the soundtrack is sort of thin and tinny. But someone uploaded the clip with the original sound muted out (leaving the English subtitles, of course) and replaced by a modern recording, and what was merely tolerable becomes tremendously powerful, and a glimpse of what a medieval battle must have been like for the ordinary man on foot. And that's all in the music.
I stumbled onto that one, looking up ballet- type stuff from Romeo and Juliet. Both scores by Prokofiev.
But anyway, the dA Club_Tutu September contest is one I really couldn't pass up, so I managed to post an entry, possibly in hindsight by doing something unethical at the library (downloading the picture from my email onto their desktop.) And I totally forgot the link, but it's at Club_Tutu at I use the same name there as here.
Mr. Cat. Really. And for whatever reason, I actually could get on dA from the local library! Maybe the hint was dropped that a naughty name isn't everything.
tutu contest,
group activities,
character: neko-sensei,
princess tutu,