Title: An Imagined Affair
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Pairings: Harry/Blaise, Ginny/Theo, past Harry/Ginny, implied Ginny/Blaise
Summary: Ginny seems to be in the habit of confusing Harry's feelings.
Author's Notes: For
fanfic100, prompt 42 - "Triangle."
An Imagined Affair )
Comments 3
Anyway, lovely fic! I really like the ending! :)
Theo/Ginny is one of the few het-pairings I actually like.
Umm... I had doubts about putting that in, actually. But then I thought that since I put Ron/Theo in for Misery Loves Company, so it wouldn't really be fair if I left it out this time. And Blaise/Ginny? *Shudders*
Theo/Ginny is one of the few het-pairings I actually like.
Theo/Ginny doesn't get enough love.
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