Meme time~ ;P

Aug 08, 2007 18:29

Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

Questions from xenylamine:
  1. Do you have any kinds of allergies? What are they?
    No serious ones, but I get all swollen up when I get stung by bees, and I used to get eczema whenever I used soap (but that's mostly stopped now).
  2. Do you have any pets? If not, what kind of pet would you want?
    I used to have two rabbits and three guinea pigs (well, I say "I", but I really mean "my family"). My first rabbit was called Twitchit, but he was really, really sick, and died a couple of months after we got him; so then my sister got another rabbit called Mopsy, and I got a guinea pic called Guinea (because I was suffering from a total lack of creativity); the next two were my rabbit Thunder, and my sister's guinea pig Scruffy; and then my mum got a guinea pig, too, called Matty (short for Matilda). But Thunder had a stomach growth, and he died, so I got another rabbit, called Thunderbolt, who was really, really vicious, and enjoyed mauling me whenever I tried to pick him up (pure evil). Mopsy and the guinea pigs all died a couple of years ago (old age), and Thunderbolt managed to get out of his hutch, and never came back. The various assorted baby rabbits and guinea pigs that we had mostly got sold to the pet shop, but some of them went to our friends, and as far as I know, only two of them have died thus far (probably dead, in any case; they both ran away). And here ends the sad tale of my pet-owning history. I miss Thunder and Guinea the most (Guinea peed on my uncle once~ it was most amusing watching him walk around in a makeshift blanket-skirt for the rest of the day).
  3. Who is your favorite celebrity, and why? If you had the chance to sleep with them, would you? Why or why not?
    Anna Paquin (she played Rogue in X-Men, and she was also in Fly Away Home and the BBC version of Jane Eyre), because she is teh awesome. But I'm not actually attracted to her (despite still being kind of confused about my sexuality), so I doubt I'd sleep with her unless I was really, really drunk (which doesn't happen often).
  4. Tea, coffee, both, or neither?
    TEA FTW!
  5. What is your favorite brand of clothing, or, what is the brand of clothing you buy the most?
    Umm... none. I don't have very many clothes, and I despise shopping, so I usually just wear my sister's hand-me-downs.

& nicked from mara_202:

Six Ships I Like:
1. Harry/Blaise (Harry Potter)
2. Gaara/Naruto (Naruto)
3. Jack/Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who)
4. Harry/Luna (Harry Potter)
5. Ikki/Agito (Air Gear)
6. Akira/Renfa (Air Gear)

Three Ships I've Abandoned:
7. Kiba/Naruto mostly (Naruto)
8. Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter)
9. Sasuke/Naruto (Naruto)

Three Ships I've Never Liked:
10. Ikki/Ringo (Air Gear)
11. Harry/Draco (Harry Potter)
12. Harry/Hermione (Harry Potter)

Two Ships That Have Piqued My Interest:
13. Mai/Masako (Ghost Hunt)
14. Tosh/Mary (Torchwood)

  1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Harry/Draco)
    I don't know; I guess I just never really saw it. Plus, Draco is a smarmy git.
  2. Who is someone you know that ships #13? (Mai/Masako)
    Oh, I'm pretty sure I'm the only person around who ships these two. Most of the fandom is made up of Naru/Mai.
  3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple threesome #3? (Jack/Doctor/Rose)
    Jack finds a way of getting Rose back from the other Torchwood, & she starts working for Torchwood Cardiff. ANd then they run into the Doctor again (but not Martha. As awesome as she is, she's no match for Rose).
  4. Which is your favorite canon moment for #1? Try to pick just one. (Harry/Blaise)
    Umm... there aren't really any that I particularly like. Fanon made me love this pairing (and potent_serpent is FTW).
  5. How long have you been following couple #6? (Akira/Renfa)
    I haven't, really. They were there, and beautiful, and Ren and Agito were fighting over Akira, and the artwork was just so gorgeous. But they were canon pretty much from the time Ren was first introduced in the series, and all their backstory just cinched it for me, really. Time-wise... erm... about a year, I guess; ever since I first read AG.
  6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? (Harry/Ginny)
    I can vaguely remember the days when I shipped them, but they just got less and less right for each other as the series went on, and I figured that Harry/Ginny was just the stuff of bad fanfic. & I was right; it was horribly cliche.
  7. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? (Gaara/Naruto or Harry/Luna)
    GaaNaru, I guess. But there's not much in it, since I like them both for mostly the same reasons~ because they understand each other so well. What Naruto does for Gaara at the end of the Chuunin Exam arc, as well as in the Rescue Gaara arc just makes it that little bit more... well... just more, I guess.
  8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12. (Ikki/Ringo or Harry/Hermione)
    Erm... Ikki/Ringo, I guess. I mean, I've liked a couple of H/Hr fics, so I'd like to be able to carry on following those. But I don't really hate Ikki/Ringo; I just really, really hope that it won't happen in canon ('cause Kanon/Ringo and Ikki/Kururu also seem likely to happen, and are much more awesome).
  9. What interests you about #14? (Tosh/Mary)
    Mary is just made of win, apart from the whole heart-eating thing she has going on. And I'm sure there're a few things that they could do with that pendant. (And also, they're just really, really cute together. Their scene at the bar was just brilliant ^^).
  10. When did you stop liking #7? (Kiba/Naruto)
    I haven't, really. I just got more obsessive about GaaNaru, and stopped bothering with shipping KibaNaru as well. I still think it's a nice ship, but I just don't really go searching for it any more.
  11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series or fandom?
    No way in hell. I only got into the Naruto fandom because of the SasuNaru essay I read over at ship_manifesto, which was really, really well-written. I realised the pairing wasn't really for me once I was about halfway through the Chuunin Exam arc, when I first discovered the wonders of KibaNaru. ;D
  12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? (Ikki/Agito)
    Either Shine by Take That, or Winds of Change by Kutless. They're both pretty much about the same thing.
  13. Which of these ships do you love the most?
    Currently? Jack/Doctor/Rose. Usually? It switches pretty consistently between GaaNaru and Harry/Blaise.
  14. Which do you dislike the most?
    Harry/Ginny, even though I used to like it.
  15. If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be?
    Haha. Jack/Doctor/Rose and Gaara/Naruto. That'd just be amusing. And Gaara would have to resist some very, very strong urges to kill/maim/destroy.
  16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like. (Gaara/Naruto)
    Alas, no. But Naruto did give up some of his chakra in order to raise Gaara from the dead in the Rescue Gaara arc, if that counts.
  17. Did #4 have a happy ending? If the series hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (Harry/Luna)
    No (*cries*). Harry married Ginny instead. And Luna Never Appeared Again (insofar as we have been told).
  18. What would make you start shipping #14? (Tosh/Mary)
    Mary somehow being Not Dead.
  19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6? (Gaara/Naruto or Akira/Renfa)
    GaaNaru, I guess. But Akira/Ren is already canon, so I don't really get much of a choice. :'(
  20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (Ikki/Ringo)
    They decide that they love each other but not in That Way. Because Ringo gets cooler as the series goes on.
That list was alarminly het-ish.


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